renal failure extracellular conc. of urea??


hey all i have a few A&P questions for ya, they are makin us take A&P review class again in nursing school. i took it like 4 years ago so i have forgotten a lot of the information.. here are some of the questions if you can help! AND OH MY GOD PATHOPHYS IS INSANELY HARD.... UGH!!

1. what would happen to intracellular and extracellular concentration of urea if they kidneys stopped functioning?

im assuming the concentration of urea would increase extracellularly and decrease intracellularly??

2. the body of a man is found floating in a salt water inlet. an autopsy showed that his lung tissues were clearly swollen. did he drown in the salty water? yes/no, why?

i dunno about this one

Hi, for #1 I would guess that the concentration of urea would increase if it cannot be filtered out by the kidney, but I could be wrong according to

#2, Can you drown in salty water? ;)

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

2. the body of a man is found floating in a salt water inlet. an autopsy showed that his lung tissues were clearly swollen. did he drown in the salty water? yes/no, why?

i dunno about this one

Water (think edema, swollen) follows salt. Do you think his lung tissues would be swollen if he had salt water in his lungs? Thank about that one.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
1. what would happen to intracellular and extracellular concentration of urea if they kidneys stopped functioning?

im assuming the concentration of urea would increase extracellularly and decrease intracellularly??

Yes, you are correct.

2. the body of a man is found floating in a salt water inlet. an autopsy showed that his lung tissues were clearly swollen. did he drown in the salty water? yes/no, why?

i dunno about this one

This is salt water drowning. The answer to question #2 is on this webpage toward the bottom where it briefly describes the two types of drowning:

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