Published Feb 19, 2004
2 Posts
please help!!!!!! I am reloating to Georgia in may and am applying to emory son. is there anyone here that can give me any information on this school? also I currently hold a gpa of 2.75, do you think i'll have a good chance of aceptance?
SharonH, RN
2,144 Posts
The only thing I know about Emory is that they are expensive which is why I am not a student there. Good Luck!
6 Posts
I just moved from that area, it is very expensive, you will get a good education but I didn't go there I heard from word of mouth. See if you go on staff in area and go for free.
21 Posts
Hi Tsmith :)
I'm originally from Atlanta and lived/worked in the Emory area for many years. My best friend works for Emory--they are large and have many different programs. It is considered an "ivy league" type of school and admittance to their incredibly expensive program will be challenging. What made you pick Emory? There are, however, many other schools such as Georgia State, who have a good program. Good luck to you in your move. Here is a website for Emory's nursing school--
3 Posts
Georgia Perimeter College also has a good program
37 Posts
I had a friend who applied to Emory (this was about 10 yrs ago) and was offered an acceptance to the Oxford college, which is affiliated with emory, but located in a different city - can't remember where exactly. After doing the 2 yrs at Oxford, she was able to continue at Emory for the last 2 yrs. Sounded like Emory tested the students who didn't quite make the cut,a nd if they did ok at Oxford, they could finish up at Emory. Hope this made at least a little sense.
9 Posts
I had a friend who applied to Emory (this was about 10 yrs ago) and was offered an acceptance to the Oxford college, which is affiliated with emory, but located in a different city - can't remember where exactly. After doing the 2 yrs at Oxford, she was able to continue at Emory for the last 2 yrs. Sounded like Emory tested the students who didn't quite make the cut,a nd if they did ok at Oxford, they could finish up at Emory. Hope this made at least a little sense.Jen
I am a student at Georgia Baptist College of Nursing and I can tell you that we have a reputation for being one of the best. I have actually been told by an Emory nursing graduate that she felt like she got a poor education there in conparison to other graduates. She stated that her education was all book knowledge and no clinical base. GBCN is a BSN program offering 3 years of clinical instead of 2 years and has a high standard for excellence. Emory is an Ivy League school that is going to be very focused on your GPA. GBCN which is now a school of Mercer University on the Atlanta campus is a little more less restrictive although it is very competetive. GOOD LUCK!:)
What a Coeincidence! after looking into other colleges in Georgia, I did some research on GBCN, and I must say I was very impressed. I am sort of worried about the competitive application process. I understand that they look very closely at your science grades what else do they take into consideration. What else would you suggest i could include that would set me apart from other applicant besides science grades?
The process is competitive and the class size seems to grow every year. There is actually an interview process where they look beyond the grades and specifically about why you want to be there. They are looking for serious students. My grades were not straight A's when I was accepted so don't worry too much. One question they ask is why you want to become a nurse and if they application is the same you have to write an essay about that. I think that is a really important question that you should have a heart felt answer about. Also why you choose to apply to GBCN. Hope this helps! Feel free to ask anymore questions.
176 Posts
Emory is one of the schools I looked into, including Mercer, Kennesaw State, and Georgia State. I will be attending Georgia State in the Fall for their accelerated program. Emory is a private school, with a very good reputation. Their NCLEX pass rate, I believe, is around 91%. However, nothing comes for free. I doubt with a 2.75 that you are going to qualify for an academic scholarship, as most of the nursing students there probably have at at least a 3.0, so you are going to have to find some way to fund around $24000 a year. I talked with Emory last year about financial aid since I was coming from peculiar circumstances (I make a lot of money right now and was concerned about financial aid options) and they told me that most of the students have agreements with hospitals to pay some fraction of their tution in return for working after they graduate. That said, the average debt burden of their students is $20,000. Well, just me personally, I'm not going that far in debt for a nursing degree at this stage in my life so that made my Emory decision fairly easy. I know that their program prides itself in producing nursing leaders and they encourage and prepare you to pursue graduate level work. I think the typical Emory nursing student is very motivated and probably plans to more than "just a nurse". Just my opinion.
Totally agree here. If you are going to shell out big bucks to go to nursing school in Atlanta area, you can do so for probably half as much at Mercer and probably get a better education. As I mentioned in another thread, I have a friend that goes there and she loves everything about it except for the price. Good luck
7 Posts
My name's Linda, I'm from Hall County and i'm 16 years old. I'll be a senior this coming school year. I've been doing a lot of research lately on GA colleges and their nursing programs. I think i've pretty much made my decision as to which schools i'll apply to next year.
I'm considering: GA State, GA Southern, Brenau, NGCSU, Kennesaw, Columbus and GA Baptist.
I've heard great things about GA Baptist, and would love to go there. But, i would like to know, how is the social life there? they dont have any sororities or frats, and it is a small Baptist school, just for nursing. But, gbcn IS in (or close to) ATL, so i guess that's good, social wise.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not gonna party all the time. I definitely want to do well, so i plan on studying a lot, cuz there's SO much to learn in nursing.
But, i would like to have somewhat of a normal college social life while i'm there-not too much to ask, right?
Just to let ya know, i plan on getting my RN/BSN, and i would loooove to work in NICU.
Any info about gbcn would be great. Thanks!