Published Mar 20, 2008
52 Posts
i'm new here, and have been spending WAY too much time reading through the old posts. anyways, i was wondering if any of you who have been accepted to a direct entry MSN program are moving long distance to attend?
i've lived in CA all my life, and I've always wanted to live on the east coast to see how it is....but if I consider applying for MSN programs on both sides of the country, I'm looking at a lot of applications to fill out. anyways, any advice would be helpful.
to those who've been accepted -- how many programs did you apply to?
also, the costs of programs within CA (sfsu, ucla, csula...) is much more affordable than programs at the ivy league schools. is it worth it?
thanks so much and congrats to the new nursing students!
- kris
324 Posts
Hi, kris!
I'm relocating from California to Connecticut for Yale's program, and while I don't actually want to move, it's still exciting to know that I'll live on the east coast, which is something that I always thought would be kind of fun to experience. It's definitely expensive (both moving and the program), but I'm young and figure, what the heck! :) I say apply to as many schools as you have the motivation for, because competition is pretty fierce.
As for whether its worth it or not -- I guess I'll let you know in three years! But seriously, I do think that it is, and since I want to teach, the name matters.
Anyway, good luck to you!
Asherah, BSN, RN
786 Posts
hi,i'm new here, and have been spending WAY too much time reading through the old posts. anyways, i was wondering if any of you who have been accepted to a direct entry MSN program are moving long distance to attend? kris
i'm new here, and have been spending WAY too much time reading through the old posts. anyways, i was wondering if any of you who have been accepted to a direct entry MSN program are moving long distance to attend? kris
First of all, I love the name...lemonchiffon...yum! I too will be making the big move from California to Baltimore, in August. I have wanted to live on the east coast all of my life and I'm as excited about the move as I am about starting my program at JHU. This will be the first move for me outside of California, and I will admit its a bit overwhelming to coordinate, but definitely doable.
If you are considering programs that require you to move, I would definitely say that you should apply anywhere that you feel would be a good fit for you, and don't discount the school or program just because its not around the corner. You'll never know how much financial assistance you may get (or qualify for) that can assist you with living expenses if you have to make a big move.
In terms of programs, in applied to JHU, Columbia and Mount St. Mary's College (Los Angeles). The previous year I had applied to UCLA (MECN) and was not accepted.
Good luck!
wow, congrats to you both. yale and jhu, thats pretty exciting. i really do have a strong urge to move to the east, but ive been feeling like a floater lately...i just keep moving in and out of places and its getting tiring.
asherah, i read some other posts and i think i remember you saying you were from ucla? i go to ucla too, but i just got back from studying abroad so i'm not in LA right now. i won't be graduating until december though, and i haven't decided when i want to apply yet.
also, are either of you taking a car cross country? i haven't read too much about individual programs, but dont some advise that you have a car to get you to your clinicals and stuff?