Relocating to Coastal SC


Hello everyone!

I am relocating to the beautiful SC coast as quickly as I can sell my Smoky Mountain home in Gatlinburg, TN. Nursing is a 2nd career for me after almost 2 decades of Sales/Marketing in the television and beverage industries. I've been an RN for a year now and worked 6 months in Pediatrics and 6 months and counting (still employed) in Acute Care and Mental Health (PRN). My strengths include fluency in Spanish and English and almost 7 years of diabetes management experience. My youngest child was diagnosed at the age of 20 months and is now 8 years old. I live and breath diabetes 24/7.

I saw quite a few open position at Grand Strand and most were PRN. If anyone is working in one of the coastal hospitals, I would greatly appreciate suggestions, recommendations (where to apply) and so forth.

As for residency, I would like to be within 30 minutes of the ocean since outdoor space is a necessity with 7 dogs (4 of which are Great Pyrenees). Any suggestions, recommendations, directions, GREATLY appreciated.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

How far south on the "coastal" spectrum are you looking to go? Hilton Head Island has a hospital.

The spectrum is rather open at the moment provided it is near the coast. Do you work at the Hilton Head Hospital or know anything about it?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I work in Savannah, but we enjoy visiting Hilton Head. It's a small hospital and is a Tenet Health facility: Hilton Head Hospital-Hilton Head, SC

Thank you very much! How is Savannah in terms of employment opportunity?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Savannah has Memorial Health, which is a Level 1 - always hiring, very busy, you'd see everything there. There is also St. Joseph's/Candler, which is one system but two hospitals. Cost of living in the area is reasonable. I love Savannah, personally. :-) I work full-time for the Army in its local community hospital and casually at Memorial and soon also at St. Joe's/Candler. The pay for me (PRN in the ED, seven years of experience) is a bit higher at St. Joe's/Candler than Memorial.

Nursing Jobs in Savannah | Healthcare Jobs Georgia

Savannah Hospital Jobs | St. Joseph's/Candler Health System

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