Relationship Question!

Nursing Students General Students


Hey everyone!

(I apologize if I am not posting this in the correct spot or manner, I am new to the site! Feel free to give me tips if I'm doing it wrong :) )

I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there like me. I got engaged to my high school sweetheart before I started nursing school. Our relationship had been pretty much perfect - but not anymore. I'm cranky, I find fault in everything he does, I have no sex drive, and it's like I'm losing interest in the whole relationship. Is this just a side effect of nursing school that will resolve? Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what can I do to make it better?? I have tried lots of things!

Thanks in advance everyone! Happy turkey day!

Take this opportunity to take an honest look at yourself. Relationships that last aren't about how you feel, how he makes you feel, or about how you feel when you're together. The relationship itself isn't going to magically make things better when you're stressed or frustrated or moody. The relationship and the success thereof is about both parties giving 100% towards the other person all the time, no matter the circumstances, no matter what they're feeling, and no matter how hard life is.

Anything less and you're not in a relationship that will go the distance. And trust me, if you both commit to each other fully, agree to love each other no matter what, and understand that while you're not going to be perfect partners all the time, you're going to give it your very best, there is very little that will keep you apart.

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