Relationship between H1N1 vac and resp distress?


My hospital delivers about 80 babies/year. Within the last month there have been 3 babies that within one day of birth develop resp distress and we have to transfer them out (we never get to hear back how they did after transfer). The dept manager noticed the correlation that all 3 moms had the H1N1 vaccine. Anyone else notice this?

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

3 is a pretty small number to base such a statement on. I wonder how many moms who didn't have the vaccine also had babies with respiratory distress and how many who DID have it had babies with no problems?

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

I too would be wary of basing a conjecture on such a small number. I'd want to know if other places are seeing the same thing in significant numbers, and what Whispera said - how many babies in resp distress with moms who didn't get the vaccine as well as how many babies whose moms got the vax and do just fine.

And no, I haven't noticed anything similar in my place.

I realize it is a very small number. We only take low risk pts and usually only have to transfer out 3 or less babies in an entire year, that is why it was shocking we had 3 in such a short time.

I'd want to know if other places are seeing the same thing in significant numbers

That is why I am here asking :up:

Around here most pregnant women have received the H1N1 so it stands to reason that most babies would be born to mothers who had received the H1N1 vaccine, respiratory distress or not. Although I would be very interested in any numbers on this too....

Specializes in med/surg, psych, public health.

health dept.'s throughout the nation now have more of the h1n1 vaccines in supply than other medical facilities.

at first, adults were thought to need 2 doses, but that protocol was changed to one dose for adults & is still 2 doses for children.

female adults are always asked if they're sure they are not pregnant before administering the live h1n1. (intranasal mist).

all pregnant women are strongly encouraged to receive h1n1 vaccine. (inactivated injection.)

the inclusion/exclusion criteria listed below do seem to contradict the previous sentence, imo.

i realize it is an ongoing trial, but many hcw's question it also.

here is more info. on h1n1 ongoing clinical trials collecting data on a 2 dose adult protocol, from a division of the u.s. national institute of health:

"these data indicate the need to develop vaccines against the new h1n1 strain and suggest that different vaccine strategies (e.g., number of doses, need for adjuvant) may be appropriate for persons in different age groups."

inclusion criteria:

"women of child-bearing potential (not surgically sterile via tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy or hysterectomy or who are not postmenopausal for greater than or equal to 1 year) must agree to practice adequate contraception that may include, but is not limited to, abstinence, monogamous relationship with vasectomized partner, barrier methods such as condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, intrauterine devices, and licensed hormonal methods during the study for at least 30 days following the last vaccination."

exclusion criteria:

have a positive urine or serum pregnancy test within 24 hours prior to vaccination (if female of childbearing potential), or women who are breastfeeding.

:imbar i accidentally posted all of the above in reply to capecodmermaid's thread. sorry to the mods for double-posting!!

about 80% of our population has now recieved H1N1, ran stats from our log, no increase in respiratory distress in the last three months. We do 320 deliveries a month

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