Rejected and unsure of where to go from here...


Hi -- I'm new here but needed to vent and get feedback from others. I apologize in advance if this is too long, but I need to get it out!

I am 29 years old and a stay-at-home mother of two/full-time student at Georgia Perimeter. I started back last spring after not attending school for over 6 years. In my previous attempts at school, I didn't do so well. I was young, immature, irresponsible and dealing with severe depression. I won't go into all of that as there is really no good excuse, but I did horribly in school during that time. I went to one University and failed out. Then I moved back home and my mom convinced me to try another school. Since I didn't work on any of the issues that set me up for failure at the other school, I performed in the same poor way. Several years later, I attempted again (this is after child #1 was born) and did well but I still wasn't in the right frame of my mind for school.

Flash forward to 2010. I applied for admission to Georgia State and because of my poor academic record, I was denied admission. I did get into Georgia Perimeter (obviously not that hard to do). I had no option other than to take a full load (financial aid reasons) but I ended up making 4 A's and 1 B. I have a 3.69 GPA and scored in the "advanced" range on the TEAS. I applied for admission to the nursing program for Fall 2011 and a couple of days ago, I received a rejection letter. I was very upset but at the same time, I am determined not to let this get me down.

I have a couple of other classes to complete (Chem II and Micro) before I am ready to apply at other schools but I don't feel confident about being admitted to a 4 year university if I was denied admission to a 2 year program. What places would any other Atlantans recommend trying out? I have enough credits to apply for a BSN program and would really prefer to go that route now that I didn't get into GPC.

I just hate that these horrible grades are following me around. I feel that if they won't consider grades for certain classes that are over 5 years old, that they shouldn't require transcripts from those schools. I am not the same person at 29 that I was at 17/18/19. Georgia Perimeter's Nursing School application is a form application only -- no interview and no essay. I really wish that I had been given an opportunity to show a bit of my personality and perhaps try to explain who I am and my past situation. I did do something that I hope will look favorably upon me...I wrote an email to the Administrator who signed the rejection letter. I asked her if there was anyone that I could come in to speak with who might give me advice on how to make myself a more desirable candidate. She has agreed to meet with me on Friday, so hopefully they will see that I am not going to give up and that I am being proactive.

Anyway, I'm sorry this message was so long. I just needed to vent and see if anyone else had advice or has been in a similar situation. Thanks for reading if you made it this far!

Specializes in ER.

Ask about a fresh start program, here in Tx it's called an academic fresh start - ours is for classes over 10 years old. I did a little research and it looks like GCSU has a program called academic renewal. You may have to retake some of those old classes but it could help as well. Ask if your school has it.

I had to do a fresh start, all of my baddies were from 11 years ago. I would not have a chance if I didn't do it.

I received my acceptance letter about 4 hours ago!! Never give up!!!

Im sorry about that Katymae81...I know how you feel being rejected and its not a great feeling but I am glad that you don't want to throw in the towel. I agree with txgrl1502 in looking for academic renewal programs. Another thing is finishing your pre-nursing at gpc and try again to transfer...take your other two classes over the summer and like you said look into some other schools. Emory, Clayton State, Gordon, Kennesaw, GCSU...hope this helps!

Specializes in Acute Rehab, Progressive Care.

Maybe this will make you feel better - I came back to school trying to get into a program in Nursing after not being in school for 10+ years. My prior grades were actually good...but I STILL did not get in the first time I applied. It was a disappointment, to be sure. And actually, I had been taking classes for 3/4ths of a year too. But, I just kept at it, took more pre-reqs, applied myself to getting great marks in those, and this year I got accepted.

If you want something, NEVER give up. You can do it!!

Specializes in LTC/Rehab.

Never give up!!! Here in Atlanta everyone is trying to get into GPC's nursing program. But check out Emory and Mercer, they look at so much more than GPA and TEAS scores. You will become a nurse. Just keep pushing.

I wish you well in your journey.

I sent you a message, katymae81.

Don't lose hope, I actually made a thread about something like this a few years ago. I was kicked out of my state university (overall gpa 0.06), attended a local community college had my nursing pre-req gpa go up to like 3.8. But when I submitted my gpa it wasn't competetive because it averaged to about 2.1 because of my past grades. Luckily for me, my wife is close friends with the counselor, so she set up a meeting with me and I was able to have my past grades exempt. Im sure the same will happen to you once they hear your story. :)

Had a very similar problem. Talked very breifly to the vice president of GC&SU. Got approved to enter that day on a verbal promise I would do better. Good luck!

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