
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


...and it feels pretty awful.

The TEAS test tripped me up. My 4.0 GPA, sterling letters of reference and high grades in Human A&P just weren't enough. Granted, the school I applied to can only take 24 students, but I was really holding out (dim) hope that I would be one of them..

Is there a place for someone like me in nursing? I know I can do the work; I have the dedication, common sense and intelligence it requires. One test gets to determine my fate for an entire year until I can reapply?? Ugh!

I'm whining and I know it. Has anyone gone through anything similar??

A chance to share my favorite part of Randy Pausch's famous "Last Lecture"

The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people!

Thanks for all replies, everyone. All your suggestions and encouragement are truly appreciated. My family and friends are sympathetic, which is nice and has it's purpose, but you guys are the ones with sympathy AND solutions, which is REALLY nice!

I am definitely going to take another look at the big-bank private school that I previously dismissed. It makes sense that if you get in quicker, you graduate quicker too, thereby joining the workforce to begin earning money asap. Of course, I'm already 2 years into this Comm. College for about $14k, so what's another $40k? (It's like Monopoly money at this point.)

When I speak with my advisor this morning, I am going to ask about becoming an LPN in order to use the LPN-RN transition, which definitely gives RN applicants a nice edge, but is not a guaranteed admission to the Nursing Program. However, it's another path that's worth exploring, for sure.

Looking outside my area is a great idea, however it would not benefit my situation. I live in a part of West Virginia that is squarely in between Virginia and Maryland. Out of state tuition is cost prohibitive, unfortunately.

I love the imagery of Randy Pausch's brick wall analogy. It is humbling and energizing at the same time and I needed to read that, so thank you very much!

I'll be sure to update after my meeting with my advisor this morning. Ultimately, I just might be too stupid to give up, so I'll keep on keepin' on.....Thanks again, everyone!

I'm back from the meeting with my advisor and he gave me some terrific insight as well as some logical suggestions. As an aside, I have to say I feel much, much better (or at least a lot less devastated) about not making the cut for the nursing program. I had some unusual circumstances to contend with the week of the test, and my advisor was quick to point out that at least I know WHY I did so poorly (I got a 73%).

My options are to wait until next Spring 2010 to reapply, which is a new addition to the Nursing Program, or wait until Fall 2010. I could also consider taking the Medical Assisting program, but I really don't think I'd enjoy that. What we decided is best for me is to enter the Physical Therapy Assistant program, which is a two year associates degree. I already have most of the pre-req's in the bag, so I'll go ahead an apply as well as take the remaining pre-req's over the summer.

Overall, I am very happy with this development. I was starting to have some niggling concerns about becoming a nurse, but never said a word about them to anyone. I didn't want to show a "crack in the wall" of my resolve to be a nurse. Now, none of my concerns would have kept me from pursuing a nursing degree, but I'm seeing that being a PTA is going to be a better fit.

Thanks again, everyone!

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