Published Mar 6, 2017
3 Posts
I applied to five universities, and they accepted me, just not into their nursing programs.
I have decent grades (math is what kills me. they made me take it my senior year again, even though I passed all the required 3 years). They just weren't good enough for the nursing programs I guess.
I just feel really lost and I don't know what path to choose. I was thinking about getting my associates degree and then doing an RN-BSN program, but then I wouldn't get to experience dorm life which sounds petty, but it's something I really want to experience. (Anyone know RN-BSN programs that allow stidents to live on campus?)
I could just go to one of the universities and apply for a transfer into their nursing program and programs at other schools, but i'm scared of rejection and wasting a years' tuition.
Does anyone have any advice/experiences to share? I feel so lost, I have a million thoughts racing in my head. I know i'm smart enough to go through nursing school but I did average in high school because none of the classes interested me. Medicine is my passion.
Nurse2BeCam, ADN
239 Posts
First off sweetie, take a deep breath. There are so many different paths you can choose to gain your nursing education. One option could be you complete your first 2 years of prerequisites at a community college and then transfer to a university for a bsn program. Another option would be going to one of these universities that you were accepted to and complete your nursing prerequisites there and apply for their nursing program once you've completed the needed requirements. In my area, there are hardly any direct admission programs, so I'm not very familiar with the process of that. If you are wanting to get your bsn, I would advise you to pick one of the universities you were accepted to and complete all the prereqs you need for their program and then apply for their program once you are a sophomore. You can still have the on campus college experience and go for nursing without being directly admitted, unless I'm missing something. The best advice you can get is from one of the counselors at these universities to better understand your options. Good luck.
P.s. you haven't completed your prerequisites yet have you? My post wouldn't make sense if you're half way to your bsn already.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I can understand your desire to have the "college experience" - but you may want to check with some nursing students to get a reality check. You've already discovered that admission to nursing programs is very competitive - and that struggle for high GPAs Even the grading scale for nursing is higher..... you can do a search here on AN to get more information on that.... and it does not end with admission. In many programs, a C is considered failing and poor grades will result in dismissal from the program. Absences are not tolerated. Being tardy to your 6:30AM (!) clinicals is a serious infraction that can also result in dismissal.
Nursing students are far more likely to be spending their free time in the library or skills lab than at a mixer or party. They have to spend much more time studying than other majors. So . . what I'm saying is that you need accurate information on which to base your decision.