
Specialties Hospice


Specializes in Clinical Leadership.

I work for an amazing, small, non-profit Hospice Agency. We are really struggling to recruit new nurses to fill open positions. Current staff is helping fill the holes in the schedule, but I'm afraid they are going to get burned out. What are others doing to recruit good nurses, especially for night shift positions?

May I ask what city, state you are located in? 


Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

Pay them comparably compared to other agencies. 

I worked in hospice and we were underpaid considerably compared to the local hospital. 

Frankly, this person doesn't seem all that interested in our opinions. She posted on May 16 and has not responded in over a month. Why bother posting if you're not going to give the courtesy of any acknowledgment or response?

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