Published Mar 26, 2021
FiremedicMike, BSN, RN, EMT-P
551 Posts
Quick backstory - I have a bachelors degree with honors that I breezed through and have never had any issue with college coursework or medical knowledge (20+ years as a medic, 15+ years as an instructor).
RN school is absolutely rocking me. I study my butt off and barely scrape by with passing scores on exams.
I'd like an online supplement that correlates with my clinical rotations (for me, med-surg is done, still have peds, psych, maternity, and my capstone) with a graduation of May '22..
I have a few review books but would prefer something with an online component and I'm OK with spending money for something worthwhile.
scuba-girl, BSN
69 Posts
for everything I studied I bought the correlating "Success" book (they probably have on online versions) example "Pediatric Success" or "Maternal and Newborn Success" many test questions in school, were questions in these books!
SIDE NOTE: when your brain is stimulated in many areas with the same info, you remember. info is moved from short term memory to either Intermediate-, or working or long term memory. to achieve this, you do need hands on.
for example, highlighting while reading something you find difficult to remember, in a book or online in a .DOC with your notes, then write some notes or print them out.
Pick up a crayon, marker or colored pen and color around your notes while reading them aloud, or to a study partner or to a tape recorder. sounds silly? it works though.
after all of that, often in a test , you can close your eyes and visualize these notes.
why is because you've added them to different parts of your brain.
online is great but touching, reading, coloring, say it out loud, cements memory.
everything in nursing builds on the semester before, you must know this stuff, or you'll fail exams , or , you'll feel like you don't know what people are talking about and won't know what you're doing when you start working as a nurse. Don't be that guy
cameron5575, BSN, RN
47 Posts
Definitely watch RegisteredNurseRN on Youtube. She has videos on just about everything studied/tested on in nursing school and her mnemonics for remembering concepts have never failed me. She also has her own website with free practice questions for each video which she links you to in the videos themselves. I think she's one of the absolute best resources for nursing students.
ThursdayNight, CNA
190 Posts
I find this useful. I hope it will help.