Reciprocity from Nevada to California


Hi all,

I'm just wondering how difficult is to reciprocal from Nevada to California..? Although I still haven't got into the nursing program, but I recently applied to University of Southern Nevada, and I'm a CA resident.. So I want to make sure it's flexible to transfer over back to CA to work here... I'd apprecite any insight, feedbacks or suggestions.. Thanks all!:)

Specializes in Med/Oncology, Emergency, Surgery.

Check the Board of Nursing sites for each state. See which states they reciprocate with. I think California wants you to take their licensing exam...they don't reciprocate with many.

My spouse went to UNLV, took the nclex in NV, and was initially licensed in NV. A year later, we moved to CA and it was no trouble to get licensed in CA, just background check, fingerprints, etc. Check out the CA board of nursing website for more details.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

NCLEX is a national exam so as long as you meet state requirements then you shouldn't have any problems. Some states may require you to do a couple of things like Texas where you have to do a Jurisprudence Exam. Would suggest you check out the CA state website (links can be found at the bottom of the page)

Remember once you have a license you are endorsing so that is what you need to look for when checking out state website

Got it, thanks all for your input! it puts me at ease now that i know this.. another question, do you guys know anything about LVN? Some said it's rather flexible to transfer over to RN from LVN than straight going to a RN program.. Is this a reliable source?? I'm actually thinking bout it but i'm not too sure if it's a safe way to do this because i don't want to waste anymore time than i ever did so far to come where i'm at right now... hmm.

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