Recently failed ANCC n AANP

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum, but needed some advice and encouragement. I took the AANP exam last month, and didn't pass. I felt the exam was going well until I started getting tons of dermatology questions, and several pediatric questions that I just couldn't bring to memory. I studied hard for 2 1/2 weeks before taking the ANCC and failed by 19 points. Again, I felt the test was going well until I started receiving tons of policy questions and terminology that I was not familiar with. There was also the multiple multiples, and several photos that were of poor quality. I was confident that I had passed the ANCC until the end. I have recently completed the 15 CEUs for AANP, registered for the exam, and waiting to hear back from AANP. I'm so stressed out, on top of that I constantly have coworkers asking me about when I'm testing. I attended the Fitzgerskd review, read Leiks book, and listened to Barkley CDs. I will admit that I didn't do many practice quizzes for AANP, which might have been my down fall. Does anyone have any suggestions??

*Update* hello everyone, I've been meaning to update for sometime now. I retook both exams over and passed. I went back and mastered my weak areas, and blew those exams out the water. Thanks for your support and kind words!!


Specializes in Midwifery and Family NP.
*Update* hello everyone, I've been meaning to update for sometime now. I retook both exams over and passed. I went back and mastered my weak areas, and blew those exams out the water. Thanks for your support and kind words!!


What advice would you give others who are studying for a second go-around?

Hi! Just wanted to let you know I failed the AANP exam as well. I plan to study harder and retake the exam in the next month. We can do it!! Also, my score was 465. Does anyone know how this is percentage-wise? I wanted to get a better perspective of how I did (how many questions I actually missed). Thanks and good luck!

Hi! I just failed my aanp. Did you do 15 ceus or did you take another review course after failing? If so where did you find these ceu which did you do?


I failed my aanp-fnp exam too. But I found out they changed it all up and I feel like a guinea pig. I'd love to form a study group and study for both the aanp and aanc. Thoughts?

Hi there!

Which exam focus did you take?

Did you re-take your test?

Hello and congrats! I failed the AANP in December 2015. If you can. Can you please send me a study guide of some kind. I am so depressed and studied my butt off. I just keep studying.

Thank you

usa4ra[email protected]

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