Published Jan 16, 2014
8 Posts
Yes, I know. It's only been 3 days since interviewing, but I had today (Wed, Jan 15th) stuck in my head for some reason... and today has come and past with no phone call telling me I'm in!! So, I just gotta ask- has anyone else heard back yet?
102 Posts
I had one friend that heard back on Sunday and another on Monday. I haven't heard anything so I'll take that as a hint. Good luck!
19 Posts
I interviewed and haven't heard anything. I've been accepted into 2 other programs and I don't think I would go to UNF if I had another choice based on the director of UNF's program.
Lol. Interesting that you mentioned the director @DFW. After I left the interview I told myself that I wouldn't attend if accepted (wasn't accepted) because of the PD. My friend got in and he won't be attending either. What other schools did you get into? I was accepted elsewhere as well.
UAB, TX Wesleyan, and Murray State- waitlist. When I was at Murray State's (KY) interview, another interviewee had just interviewed at UNF the day before. She warned me about the PD at UNF. Then the next day I interviewed at UNF (crazy I had two interviews in 2 days, 600 miles apart) and everything she said was confirmed. I'm sure you're glad that you have other choices, as well. Where else were you accepted? I found it interesting that he said they went through the entire waitlist a year ago at UNF.
Congrats! UAB is extremely competitive. I got into OLOL in Baton Rouge and MTSA. I had a similar experience. I interviewed at UNF on Saturday and had to be in TN on Monday. I'm just glad it's finally over. I'm sure UNF is a good program, but I would not have felt comfortable attending at all. Plus, I didn't really feel like dressing up in business casual attire 24/7. Oh well.
I'm not surprised that they went through the entire alternate list. After the guy insulted my friend in front of a panel of 15 people and told her there's no way she's get in, he later called her and offered her a spot. Mind games? He does have a degree in psychotherapy. Lol. I have a lot of respect for him and his accomplishments. His program is just not for me.
Congrats on being accepted as well. I also have respect for the PD at UNF (he has a tremendous amount of experience/ credentials) and best of luck to anyone who chooses to attend. How did you feel about OLOL College? I regret not applying there. I've read a lot of good things about their program.
I got wait listed @ UNF, but this was my first year applying- I'm travel nursing and having another year of travel excites me. I didn't apply anywhere else for that reason alone. I will apply to probably 4 or 5 places next year. What are your top 5 choices and why??
I was also waitlisted at UNF, but I'll either be going to UAB or TX Wesleyan. I'm trying to decide between those 2. The faculty at both of those programs seem to be "down to earth".
They were really nice and I was definitely impressed with the interview (OLOL). I really liked that they only accepted 25 students. I will be attending MTSA, however. Despite the large class size, it's an established program that puts out great CRNAs. The faculty and students were friendly and I like that it's a Christian school. It's also a lot closer than Louisiana, so I'm happy with my choice. Which clinical site did you get at TWU?
17 Posts
I interviewed at UNF in 2012 and while it was inundating being surrounded by that huge panel, I ignored my apprehension and forged on. The director and I even joked around and sung to each other (he studied opera, of course). I start the 2019 class in January 2017 and am excited and thankful to have the opportunity.