Recent license suspension in MD-how to meet requirements?
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Recently suspended license for non compliance in the state of MD. The duration is for one year during which I must seek treatment under medical professional, submit to random drug screening and attend meetings aa or na once a month all this for twelve consecutive months I am having trouble getting started because these is no support from the board, all this must be set up independently by me and I hate to waste any time by not doing something as stated. I need help securing an approved provider and setting up the drug screens. All this because I was nonchalant with my self reports!! Regretful
Recently suspended license for non compliance in the state of MD. The duration is for one year during which I must seek treatment under medical professional, submit to random drug screening and attend meetings aa or na once a month all this for twelve consecutive months I am having trouble getting started because these is no support from the board, all this must be set up independently by me and I hate to waste any time by not doing something as stated. I need help securing an approved provider and setting up the drug screens. All this because I was nonchalant with my self reports!! Regretful
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