Really worried about Nclex!


Hello everyone,

Thank you for taking out time to read about my nervousness over I am using Kaplan for nclex review and I think Kaplan is pretty hard. I sometimes do great on my questions and sometimes I don't. I got so scared that I also purchase Hurst for content review. I watch the viedos. I don't like kaplans' videos...its really long and boring. I am hoping if anyone can share their nclex experience and how they studied. I usually do anywhere from 50 to 100 questions a day and do a viedo on hurst. I mostly practice 50 a day. I am testing next month on august 5th. well here are my scores so far....on Kaplan:

Diagnostic: 73

Readiness: 65

Q-Trainer 1: 60

Q-Trainer 2: 73

Q-Trainer 3: 58 lowest sucks

Q-trainer 4: 74

Q-Trainer 5: 61

Q-Trainer 6 and Q-Trainer 7: Taking it before nclex like in a week and a half.

Q-Bank: 59 cumulative score and 39 percent completed. Planning to complete in 2 weeks.

Your scores remind me a little of how mine went with the all overness. Obviously you have some content down solid or you wouldn't be picking up those seventies. Go back to 1,3, and even 5 and pick out your misses and calibrate that to hurst content. That's what I did with my low content. Didn't cough up the cash for hurst, but did supplement with previous material from classes. Seemed to help!

so what do you think about my scores.....sometimes I notice that I second guess myself. I was going to choose the correct answer then change it because I doubt myself and get it wrong. I hate that so much.....I need to have confidence in myself.

so what do you think about my scores.....sometimes I notice that I second guess myself. I was going to choose the correct answer then change it because I doubt myself and get it wrong. I hate that so much.....I need to have confidence in myself.

The best time to learn not to doubt yourself is in practice. Write down the ones you started to doubt but left with your gut will see that you were right to begin with! I took the NCLEX today...and I was doubting EVERYTHING. For some reason I was between two answers on almost everything and Maslow and ABC's weren't helping any. Sometimes I stuck with my gut...others I quickly changed before pressing next haha. Good luck to you, from the scores I have seen from everyone else- you're on the right track!

Thank you for the encouragement......well at least you're done with the Nclex!!!! I hope you get the good pop-up as people say! I'm taking mine august 5th....yup I'm not going to second guess myself anymore. I was reviewing rationales and I picked the wrong answer for like 4 questions and I would of in reality got it right if I didn't think to much into it or second guess myself. Thank you!

so what do you think about my scores.....sometimes I notice that I second guess myself. I was going to choose the correct answer then change it because I doubt myself and get it wrong. I hate that so much.....I need to have confidence in myself.

You're scores look good! I always had problems with secon guessing too. I did it a ton with my actual test also and still passed in 75. I think it's importan when you do second guess to objectively look at your options and apply it to the knowledge you do have and why you initially hoose certain answer. Take your time on the real test too! Work through those thoughts and doubts! Better to take forever than rush and fail!

Thank you Nurse 7970. I will take you advice.

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