Re Entry nurse


Any advice for a re entry nurse? I have been out of the bedside for 18 years and I am presently taking a refresher course. I plan on getting a part time position but there are so many options out there. Any advice for a 40 something nurse? My previous experience was surgical intensive care and post open heart recovery, but I do not intend to do that anymore. Too stressful.

Hi there! There are many threads on this subject. Click on search at the top of the screen, and you will find many reentry nurses sharing. I am a reentry nurse myself. -two years school nurse teacher, 25 years elementary school teacher, RN refresher course, just got accepted into graduate school to get MS in psychiatric nursing. Go for it! Pick any specialty you like or feel interested in learning at this time in your life. There are so many of us out there-you would not believe it! Krisssy RN MA

Thanks, Krissy. It is so nice to know that there are a lot of us out there. So you're from NY. That's where I got my original licensure a long time ago:chuckle.I am also doing school nursing part time. Again, thanks.

Specializes in MedSurg/OrthoNeuro/Rehab/Consultant.
Any advice for a re entry nurse? I have been out of the bedside for 18 years and I am presently taking a refresher course. I plan on getting a part time position but there are so many options out there. Any advice for a 40 something nurse? My previous experience was surgical intensive care and post open heart recovery, but I do not intend to do that anymore. Too stressful.

You sound like me! 18 years out of hospital nursing, took a refresher course, am in my 40's! I was just hired for a neuro med surg unit, part time. I haven't started yet, but I am so excited. Scared, too, but onward I go. You can do it, too. :chuckle

Thanks for the encouragement. I still have to do my clinicals after my final test, but I am really excited. A little apprehensive but really excited. I will be doing 96 hours of clinicals. I am not sure that will be enough to get back some of my lost skills but I plan on making the most of it. I hope I get a good preceptor. Maybe I'll get lucky and have a nice preceptor who respects his/her elders,:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Hey Rose56 - good luck with your 96 hrs

and congratulations on your return:flowersfo

Good luck to all of you !!!
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