Published Nov 17, 2008
20 Posts
This seems to be such a vague diagnosis and difficult to find rationales for. Besides searching all over the Internet for potential evidence-based practice, where do I find rationales for my nursing care plans. The books I have give rationales for cases that don't apply to mine. Can someone suggest the best way for me to find rationales? This is only my first semester, and I'm hoping to get organized, better, to help the next semester go more smoothly. Any books or databases or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
let me start at the beginning. . .first of all, how did you come to diagnosis this problem? what assessment evidence came about that indicated that this patient of yours had the perception that one's own action will not significantly affect an outcome; a perceived lack of control over a current situation or immediate happening (page 168, nanda-i nursing diagnoses: definitions & classification 2007-2008) the definition of this diagnosis. the defining characteristics (signs and symptoms) and some of the evidence that you should have seen in your patient includes:
secondly, rationales to me, mean you are already looking at interventions to treat the evidence that supports the existence of this problem. put a name to the behavior and look for "why". if this patient, for example, is acting passively and you are giving interventions for them to be more assertive, try looking for "rationale for assertiveness" on the internet or in your hunt for ebp. unless you also have the ackley/ladwig book, try checking the interventions on this website: [color=#3366ff]powerlessness
Thank you!