ratemyprof whats your prof rating


If you used ratemyprof what rating would your Prof have in terms of easiness. Do not say names. You can just state the number.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Very, very few of my nursing professors have been on there :( The ones that are listed are as followed:4.5, 4.3, 4.4, 4.0, and 5.0 :) Hope that helps, thats their overall rating

Lucky how do you like your nursing prigram

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

I like it a lot. Its not perfect but for the most part its good and they treat us very well. The professors go out of their way to help us and teach us so I really like that. We've lost very few students, well under 10.

What school is this and how would you rate the difficulty from 1-10 your lucky you have a good program my school is good as well

I made a thoughtful and truthful rating of a very poor instructor that I had. Some time later I went back to the site and noted that my rating had been removed. Then and there I decided not to waste time with that site. What good is a rating site that only allows one sided comments? Unbiased? Fair? No, not hardly.

My professors have around 2.5 in easiness but if their overall is a 3.5 then its worth it

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