

I had the worst day today! I failed my first nursing test so far in my nursing school career by 1 point... The avg score was only a few points more than that, so I didn't feel sooo bad (it was the "hard test" of the semester)... BUT THEN I SAW WHAT I DID. I marked 3 correct answers on my test, and then BUBBLED IN THE WRONG LETTER ON THE SCANTRON. OH MY GOSH. NOT JUST ONCE, BUT THREE TIMES. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MAD I AM AT MYSELF. Not only would I not have failed, but I would've been right at the class avg!

I am SO angry. I cannot cannot cannot believe I made such a careless mistake. ALWAYS GO BACK AND RECHECK RECHECK RECHECK!!!!! Usually I'm not so careless... I don't know where my head was at :( My instructor was actually the one to point it out to me!


I'm so sorry to hear you failed your test. If it's any consolation, you're not alone in the "careless" mistakes arena. I just had my first NS test, and while I didn't fail it, I did manage to do exactly what you did on one question. I also "corrected" two right answers and made them wrong. Time and time again during my prereqs I told myself not to change my answers. Did I listen to myself? Noooooo.

Just know that this was but a single test, and you are not likely to make those mistakes again. My instructor told me of a student she had once who did that but then all the answers below that one on the scantron were one "off" so that the student actually got about a dozen wrong that she really knew. Now that would be really sickening, don't you think?

Pick yourself up and move forward. As I tell my students (medical transcription, not nursing) .... Onward and Upward! :icon_hug:

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Thats why I like the testing that we are finally doing. We are presented with one question at a time, you put your answer in and dont get to see it again until the end of the test after you have submitted it. It removes that whole I want to change my answer mentality that screws so many of us up

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