Radiology/CT contrast question

Specialties NP


This is a question for any NP on this board that works in radiology or free standing ED/UC if you know one could you forward this question to them. or PM me with their contact info.

Concerning administration of CT contrast.

In your institution are you allowed to be the only provider in the facility at the time IV contrast is being given. I do not mean ordering, I know we can order a contrast study. i.e. does your institution require a MD or DO to be the provider on site when IV contrast is being delivered. If so has this been interpreted as a state federal or institution policy?

This involves CMS coding and description of services provided.



Specializes in trauma ICU,TNCC, NRP, PALS, ACLS.

I am not an NP, but at the hospital i work at an MD/Do/Np/Pa does not have to be present when contrast is being delivered.

Not an NP, but when I had an MRI at the ortho doc office, they made me reschedule because they only had a NP there on the day they had originally scheduled me for, and an MD/DO had to be in house at the time. Might have been for "safety" but realistically, it had to have been for billing purposes.

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