Published Jan 24, 2004
208 Posts
Here is a question for you:
When you admit babies to radient heat warmers, do you set the initial servo at a certain temperature for all babies or do you use different temperatures for preemies and term babies?
For instance, do you admit a preemie 36 weeks or less to a RHW set at 37.0 degrees Celsius and admit term babies to RHW set at 36.6 degrees Celsius, and then increase or decrease the servo temperature setting depending on the baby's axillary temperatures as time progresses?
Thanks in advance for any information you may be able to share with me!
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
I set all mine at 37 and then put them on servo once the baby is admitted under them and has a probe on.
Mags4711, RN
266 Posts
When we still had radiant warmers, we set ours at 37 for all babies. We now have all omnibeds and admit to a max heated bed, then place the probe on the pt, put the bed on baby mode set at 37 and close it as soon as physically able, our guidelines tell us that it needs to be closed within an hour. Once we have an idea of the air temp the baby needs to remain at 36.7 ish to 37 ish, we change the mode to air temp set at that temp and usually leave the probe on to monitor the baby's temp. We will reopen it to place UA's and UV's.
1,104 Posts
I do about the same as you, faithmd. We don't have all omnibeds here, doubt we ever will. So babes get admitted in radiant warmer, set a 37, put on servo, then when temp is pretty stable, go to manual with set air temp.
For isolette babies, same thing.