"Rooming in" on Mother/Baby - not one size fits all

Specialties Ob/Gyn


When I gave birth to my daughter, I had been up for 48 hours solid. I had PIH and had been vomiting for hours upon hours - and then pushed for three hours until she was born. My husband had been by my side, awake, for the entire time.

I had wonderful Labor/Delivery nurses. They got me through the labor from hell. However, once we got to the PP room, and my beauftiful, wonderfully alert and crying-her-heart-out baby girl was placed with us, the nightmare began. I don't blame the nurses per se, but it was a scary situation. I was NOT alert at all - had a pounding headache, crying at intervals for no real reason (maybe the mag sulfate I'd been given combined with sleep depriation?) I was breastfeeding, so I was frequently trying to put her to the breast, but she was not interested in latching. When the nurse came to check on us, I was crying and told her I was afraid I wasn't doing a good job of caring for my baby, because I felt so exhausted and sick. She told me, "I can sympathize with you, but being that you had a lady partsl birth, and birth is a natural process, it's up to you guys to provide your daughter's care".

I understood what she was saying, and proceeded to hand her over to my husband, who walked with her for an hour or so in the room, and then I slipped into a fitful sleep despite her whimpering. I awakened at 3 am, and saw my husband asleep in the chair with the baby in his lap. I was concerned about the safety of this so I put her back in the bassinet (trailing blood as I got up) and rang for the nurse the one and only time I was there. She was friendly, but said unless I had changed my mind about breastfeeding, the baby had to stay with me.

Needless to say, I had a harrowing night. my Husband tried to help, but he was absolutely exhausted and truthfully handles sleepnessness much worse than I did. I remember pinching myself to try to stay awake so I could comfort the baby.

When the doctor rounded the next morning, I begged to go home. I knew I would get more help at home (because other non-sleep deprived family would be there to help me). He agreed and sent me home.

I'm just wondering what the policy is on this type situation in other institutions. I was breastfeeding, and went on to breastfeed for a long, long time - but honestly, my baby was in jeopardy that first night that she was in our room. Certainly I'm not the only mother who has delivered after days of being awake. I just wondered how other places handle this, or if it's the same.

I wasn't angry with anybody - the situation just really sucked and I wish I could have come up with a better plan.

Specializes in gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics.

We (nurses) have to find the famous "golden mean"! It's not easy! Also because of our different characters.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Well- you definately have my admiration and lots of thank yous for recognizing how much nicer and more beneficial it is for everyone. :) It definately makes that hospital stay easier to stomach when you aren't having to deal with either tolerating a situation you don't want (being told you have to put your baby in that plastic box) or having to take a stand for what you want and deal with that conflict at a vulnerable time. So applause and huge bunches of thanks to you for it!!! :)

I wish I would have known I could fight this, they said it was hospital policy and wouldn't allow it. I coslept at home though. All my kids when they got closer to a year i put in their cribs and slept with me on special occasions, my daughter though was not someone to sleep with me and she was my last baby and it broke my heart. Once she was put in her crib when she was older if I ever brought her to sleep with me she would not sleep, once I put her back in her crib she would be out like a light. She just turned 2 last Monday and my husband is working out of town *he never was a fan of co sleeping but I didn't care when they were babies* and I have brought her in a few times and she is getting a lot better about sleeing, she snuggles up close to me and puts her hand over me and makes me have my hand over her and i just love it! Anyway, I got off track, but I never knew it was something I could go against in the hospital.

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