"Pre-requisite" of being a labor and delivery nurse/midwife-being a mom?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Hello All,

Do you guys think maternal/pregnancy patients prefer their labor and delivery nurses/midwives to have had experience with pregnancy themselves in order to have a better connection? Do you guys personally think that one's own pregnancy experience should be a "pre-requisite" for this nursing field? What are your thoughts? Just curious.

Well said and Thank You! I am really really drawn to becoming a midwife or womens health practitioner. I do have children but I had medicated births and although I did breastfeed, I only breastfed for a couple of months. I feel like I created an unnecessary hurdle in achieving my dreams thinking that maybe I shouldn't be a midwife because I didn't have an all natural birth or breastfeed for a year or longer. You are so right, its not about me at all. Its about the kind, compassionate, respectful nursing care that I can give to Women. Thank You, this post has changed my life in so many positive ways

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