"May I give you a tip?"

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Foot Care.

A patient's husband offered me a $20 tip the other day, as I completed her discharge. First time for everything, I guess. Naturally, I declined - it's just not my nature for one thing, and it's contrary to hospital and nursing board policy for another, and I'm earning a very good wage and don't need or want to be tipped for doing my job. However, I directed him to the hospital foundation's employee recognition program, where they can make a donation in recognition of exceptional service by the employee, and the employee receives a recognition program pin.

In retrospect, I'm not really feeling too good about mentioning the recognition program. I feel like I've kind of "pimped" myself for the hospital's financial benefit.

Patients often leave floral arrangements or chocolates or other small tokens that all the staff can enjoy - maybe that would have been a better suggestion?

Or perhaps I should have stopped talking after saying "Thank you, that's very kind and generous for you to offer, but we are not permitted to accept tips."

How do other nurses handle these kinds of situations?

I use the last approach you mentioned. I try not to get too involved in explaining stuff to them, as it can get very awkward.

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

I think you did the right thing. It gives him a chance to do something for the hospital. Got you out of a bad situation. And provides a chance for him to tell friends about a way to donate to the hospital if they want.

I think you did the right thing. It gives him a chance to do something for the hospital. Got you out of a bad situation. And provides a chance for him to tell friends about a way to donate to the hospital if they want.

I love your "Its five o clock somwhere" (great song).......lol.. the little smiley on the beach....so funny!..lol..

Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

I think you chose a good solution. I know my mom was recently in the hospital and wanted to do something nice for the staff but wasn't sure what was acceptable. You gave him guidance on how to thank you through appropriate channels :) Not pimping at all, we all work hard enough to deserve some accolades now and then.

Specializes in ER.

I think you did the right thing!

Tell him to send cake, preferably banana cream with chocolate icing...yummm

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

I had an old guy insist on giving me a 5$ tip the other day. The only time that has ever happened. He would not take no for an answer. So I just reported it to the charge nurse and she said under the circumstances just keep it.

I had a really mean drunk once who came back with miniture roses and an apology for me a few years ago.

I loved that.

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