Quitting smoking.. for real this time.

Nurses Recovery


I need some support! I'm almost done with semester 2/4 and I'm getting migraines (triggered by cigarette smoke). I decided I'm really ready to quit, as it's come to either smoke and get terrible migraines or suck it up and quit. I've tried Chantix and Nicorette in the past but I decided I'm going cold turkey this time.

Any support would be greatly appreciated! :]

Specializes in Respiratory, Hospice, Med-Surg, MICU,.


Here are my tips:

1. IF you slip, don't let the slip define you. Forgive, love and acknowledge and feel proud keeping every success you've had in the front of your mind. ie new self talk. But believe it! Get going again, and you will find you eventually make it. Do not accept any condemnation from anyone, anywhere for a slip! This is golden rule number one for this former smoker:) It works.

2. When you are fighting an urge, take a slow deep breath to the point you cannot inhale any further. Then HOLD IT! Hold it long, until you can't any longer. Breathe out slowly through, blowing through pursed lips. This helped me Greatly, still employ this one. This is as if "punishing" your lungs as in taking a deep drag, and also is as if exhaling your drag. I just started doing it when I was really struggling with wanting a cig. It works for me!

3. Examine, your triggers and plan ahead what you can/will do to to minimize them.

4. Remember.......dwell on recalling yourself before you became a smoker and embrace those memories. Commit them to your conciousness. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself out loud, "I am a smoke free", or whatever positive affirming term works for you. Keep doing this until you believe it in your subconciousness.

5. Be Proud of your every accomplishment!

6. If you smoke menthol cigs (I did), get a supply of throat lozenges. They work incredibly well at replacing that element of your smoking. Worked for me!

7. You have to want to quit for yourself. Place yourself only in non smoking environments until

8. You Can Do It! (I must have tried over 20 times before I made it!)

for some time now, proposals were being made to impose ban on smoking in cars with kids. in the countries like the us and the uk where smoking is nothing less than epidemics, these proposals were taken and even bills were passed to the effect. now, even in australia where smoking is not that rampant, similar laws have been passed where one can't drive and smoke with kids. the laws would come into effect from the 1st of september 2008. http://www.chantixhome.com

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