Quitting nursing school?

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I am at the point where I am truly considering quitting nursing school. I love helping and taking care of others, but I do not feel I am enjoying what I am doing. I've worked so hard to get here, but I just feel so miserable and depressed. I don't feel competent, lack confidence in my skills, I'm always afraid to speak up and participate in class/clinical, and I'm always thinking I am going to make a mistake. I am always anxious so I dread patient interaction sometimes, and my clinical instructor makes me feel I am not doing what I am supposed to do even when I truly am trying. I have been feeling so down lately and lost my motivation, and I failed my first Med/Surg exam. A classmate always asks me if I am okay and I put on a smile and say I am. I keep hoping something will click and I will snap out of this funk, but each day I feel worse. I was thinking of changing my major, but not sure what else to do at this point. I am losing sleep, developing poor eating habits, and just feel so crappy. I think a career indirectly helping patients may be better for me, but I am so afraid to take that step. I know I will disappoint so many people, especially family. I'm also afraid that I will drop out of nursing school and have so much regret. I read so many stories and posts about people hating nursing and wanting out. The stress, the demand, the lack of resources and staff, the overwhelming documentation just to save the facilities a**. I try and picture where I see myself working after graduating, and which area of nursing will be least stressful but still allow me to care for patients, but I haven't even graduated yet. Instead, I am here in my second semester thinking of all the ways I dislike what I am doing and my performance overall. I started counseling on campus, but it has been ineffective thus far. I wish to reach out to one of my professors, but I feel they may send me to the chairperson of the program or something for seeking advice and in turn, dismiss me from the program.

Am I the only student who feels this way? How can I get my motivation back? Is it my lack of confidence preventing me from succeeding, or is this profession just not right for me? Has anyone else considered changing their major?

You have to do what is right for you. I had five people in my own nursing class change majors, and in various semesters, because they realized it just wasn't for them. One freaked when they had to place an NG tube. Now she's a pharmacist and very happy. One just decided he didn't like it 1st semester. The rest I am unsure of. I am now a nursing professor and had a student approach me the other day about wanting to change majors. My advice to her is what I will give to you:

1. Talk to your academic advisor. It is important that you understand how changing majors will impact you and how your credits will transfer. It may be just fine. And if it's not a financial burden to change, even better. But its always best to stay informed.

2. Remember this change, if you make it, is for YOU. Not your parents, your spouse, your friends, but you. Do not let anyone be disappointed in you. If you've done your research and you choose an otherwise fulfilling and rationale career, its your life.

3. Do talk to your course coordinator or chair to get some insight into whether or not the feeling is common for your particular place in your track. They do know. And they should not kick you out because of this.

I also second the person who said therapy takes time. I am not here to convince you to stay or go, but make an informed decision and then choose your path. I wish you good luck.

I'm in the exact same boat as you right now. And I feel so trapped not knowing whether I should leave nursing or not. Please let me know what you ended up doing

Hi, I know this post is about a year old already but I'm currently going through the same dilemma right now. I am in my first semester of nursing school for ADN and even before joining the program I was feeling like this. Even after joining the program now It feels like I don't want to do this anymore. I can really relate to most of the things you were saying. My sleeping pattern is messed up, I'm not eating habits have changed, I don't have the motivation that I see in other students in my class. I am really considering to change my major. I do not see myself being happy being a nurse and I am afraid of what my family will think of me. A lot of my family are nurses and I just hate to disappoint them. But I feel miserable everyday and every time in class I'm always looking at the clock, and when it's time to leave, everyone else still sticks around and I feel like I'm the only one that wants to go home as soon as class ends..

Hi, I know this post is about a year old already but I'm currently going through the same dilemma right now. I am in my first semester of nursing school for ADN and even before joining the program I was feeling like this. Even after joining the program now It feels like I don't want to do this anymore. I can really relate to most of the things you were saying. My sleeping pattern is messed up, I'm not eating habits have changed, I don't have the motivation that I see in other students in my class. I am really considering to change my major. I do not see myself being happy being a nurse and I am afraid of what my family will think of me. A lot of my family are nurses and I just hate to disappoint them. But I feel miserable everyday and every time in class I'm always looking at the clock, and when it's time to leave, everyone else still sticks around and I feel like I'm the only one that wants to go home as soon as class ends..

Your family don't have to live your life, you do. Do what makes you happiest, even if that means moving on to different things.

I know this is an old post...but what did you end up doing??? Everything you typed was like reading something from my own head, it is exactly how I feel.

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