Quincy college full time asn program 2017 schedule?


Hello nurses, anyone know the exact deal on the full time asn program at Quincy college? Days/hours/the format, it cant really be mon - fri alllll day long... or can it ? I wanted part time but got accepted to full im trying to see if I can swing it :) any help is appreciated!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I moved your post to the school/college forum to ensure maximum responses. Good luck!

Hi there, I'm starting my second year of the asn program at Quincy in September. I'm in the full time program. For our first semester we had lecture on Monday and Wednesday for two hours (three hours second semester) and lab or clinical on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Second semester we had lecture on Mon and Wed, a lab either mob or wed and clinical or sim lab on Tuesday or Thursday. Clinical can be either 7-3 or 3-11 depending on where they can get a spot. There is no class on Friday but they do hold open labs if you need extra help. I managed to work about 30 hours/week on tthat schedule but my lecture class is 12-3 so it's kind of in the middle of the day which makes it harder to schedule around. Note this schedule only includes that actual nursing course, lab and clinical, this doesn't include time needed if you have to take a prerequisite like micro. Everyone that attends Quincy must take a intro to computers class before graduating also so that will need to be factored in but can be done online. Hope this helped!

Thank you Anna!! If its 4 days not 5 I may be able to survive it, (I wont have any more pre-reqs) thank you so much for responding.

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