Quick results


I'm a little confused by the quick results. So I can log into the website 48 hours after the exact time I took the test and my results will be available? Or is it available 2 days after you take the test at 6 or 7 am?

I don't want to drive myself crazy by checking it every hour after I take the test.

Also.. is there a way to find out if people you know that took the test either passed or failed? I know you can go to the http://www.licensepa.state.pa website and type in a name and it will say if they have a graduate registered nurse permit or are a registered nurse. But what if they fail? Will it say there is no graduate registered nurse permit? Or will it show up but it will say this license is NOT in good standing?

in regards to your quick result question, i know mine took exactly 48 hrs from the time i finished the test, i was able to go to pearsonvue and sign in and then pay the 7.95 to check my results.

I've heard people say that the website updates at 6 am or something? But I dont know if they are taking about the quick results site or the licensepa.state.pa site?

I'm taking my test on friday this week. Will my results be available on Sunday?or will I have to wait until Mon or Tues?

if your test is on friday then your quick results from pearsonvue are suppose to be up by 48 hrs after the completion of the exam so i'll say by sunday. I was told that i had to wait two business days after my exam which i took on a thursday but when i checked saturday morning on pearson, they were up, so i say check your results by sunday.

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