Quick question about Lehman College pre-reqs?


I've emailed them multiple times, and called them...they never seem to respond :/ I'm going to call them first thing tomorrow. I'm looking to apply to the 2 year program.

I just have a question about the chemistry pre-reqs...Is CHE 114 similar to an Introductory chemistry class? And is CHE 120 like an introduction to organic and biochemistry class? I ask because when I originally thought that CHE 120 would be just be organic chemistry. At my college, I'm already in the process of completing my second General Chemistry(Gen. Chem II) class so that I may take the Organic chemistry class.

However, I was talking to someone, and they suggested I call the school and ask more details on CHE 120 at Lehman college to make sure I was taking the right courses. They said that most nursing programs want an introduction to organic and biochemistry class rather than a class that only focused on organic chemistry. I never even considered that to be a possibility, and I'm glad they mentioned it.

I go to a SUNY school, and I've been trying to look for course equivalency guides between my institution and Lehman...no luck so far. :( I will call them tomorrow to ask, and hopefully someone picks up.

My General Chemistry credits apply to another nursing program I'm looking at, so it doesn't bother me too much...I would just hate to have to take an intro to chem class when i've already completed general chemistry I and II.

Any advice is appreciated (I hope my question made sense lol)

The courses you are taking are almost definitely going to meet the requirements for CHE114. That course at Lehman is called "Essentials of General Chemistry" and only one semester in length. It sounds like you are taking the more advanced chem sequence geared toward pre-med and pre-physician assistant majors. I'm sure you will have no problem moving right into CHE120 "Essentials of Organic Chemistry" which is also just a one semester overview geared towards pre-nursing majors. I'm sure you will be more than prepared for it after two semesters of general chem! If you have the opportunity to choose, I highly recommend professor Burton-Pye. He is great, very knowledgeable, and makes a difficult subject fun and interesting. Best of luck!

That is certainly a relief...chemistry is a tough class for me, so im hoping the blood, sweat, and tears im putting into it will pay off in the future haha! When I call tomorrow, I will post what they've told me...hopefully it will help out a future nursing student who has the same question. Thank you so much.

I am applying to Lehman as well, though ABSN would be my first choice. I did, however, contact the school by email and had a response within a day. They do require both general chem and organic chemistry. I am taking the orgo now and it does have a biochemistry component in it, so I guess it is a good thing. Like other PP said, you should be fine :-)

Thats nice to hear! I just emailed them, for my own peace of mind haha

Oh, before I forget...Do you guys plan on taking HIN 269 prior to admission into the nursing program? Im debating if thats what I would want to do, as it would require me to commute, and Im not sure if I could afford to commute to the city multiple times a week...im thinking of just doing it while in the nursing program.

Thats nice to hear! I just emailed them, for my own peace of mind haha

Oh, before I forget...Do you guys plan on taking HIN 269 prior to admission into the nursing program? Im debating if thats what I would want to do, as it would require me to commute, and Im not sure if I could afford to commute to the city multiple times a week...im thinking of just doing it while in the nursing program.

I have heard this question asked before... I will be taking (if admitted, of course) it while in the program. I feel like taking it before getting accepted does not make much sense.

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