Quick Question for GSU nursing students or prospects


I noticed that on my credit evaluation it says that I have not met the requirements for the Global issue elective. However, for the ACE program electives it doesn't mention this at all. Am I missing something????

Help! I went ahead and signed up for a history class because classes start Monday and I want it if I need it, but if not then I will drop it.

Thanks for any input!

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics.

Hey! I have the same issue in the Humanities area. I would have to take a music appreciation class. I wonder can we take the class whiletaking nursing classes?

Well, I am looking to go into the ACE program so all of my stuff has to be complete before they start. So, for better or worse, I am taking a Survey of World History class!

Hopefully I am understanding your question--if not, just let me know and I'll try again. :-)

Not only do you have to have all the nursing school prereqs done, but you must also have all the college-required core courses (which is what the course you are referring to is) complete prior to beginning the ACE program. When you run an Academic Evaluation (in PAWS) you want to make sure that all areas are "Met" except for area G and a couple of the area H classes that you must take in nursing school. Use that Academic Eval tool--it's your friend!

As an aside...if there is anyway that you can take the Nutrition class prior to beginning the program, do it!! You will be so thankful that you did so when you begin A1. (Nutr 3300 satisfies Nutr 3200)

If you have any other questions, just let me know!

Kelly (current A4)

Hopefully I am understanding your question--if not, just let me know and I'll try again. :-)

Not only do you have to have all the nursing school prereqs done, but you must also have all the college-required core courses (which is what the course you are referring to is) complete prior to beginning the ACE program. When you run an Academic Evaluation (in PAWS) you want to make sure that all areas are "Met" except for area G and a couple of the area H classes that you must take in nursing school. Use that Academic Eval tool--it's your friend!

As an aside...if there is anyway that you can take the Nutrition class prior to beginning the program, do it!! You will be so thankful that you did so when you begin A1. (Nutr 3300 satisfies Nutr 3200)

If you have any other questions, just let me know!

Kelly (current A4)

Thanks so much for the info! I am maxed out this semester, so I won't be able to take the nutrition course. Plus, I am applying for Spring so I won't have time. I kind of figured what you were saying was right, so that is why I registered for a class that satisfied that area. Thanks!

Kel-I just got accepted to ace. I'm a double major and I have a few classes left to take for my other major. I usually take 18 credit hours at a time and I took 16 over the summer... Do you think I'd be able to manage an additional 4 credit psych class during A1 if I have already taken nutrition?

It's possible, but it won't be pleasant. You can always give it a shot, and if it feels like too much you can drop the psych class. There is no way that I could/would have taken another class during A1 (or A-anything, to be honest), but that doesn't mean that someone else can't. Just make sure that if you feel yourself struggling early on to go ahead and pull the trigger on the drop...you don't want to dig yourself a hole too deep to get out of--especially with pharm.

If you have any other questions about the program, just let me know!

Kelly (A4)

PS--Congrats on your acceptance!! :up:

Yeah I think I might just stick to nursing classes... I've heard the scrubs are navy vneck with white pants, is that true? Also, I have to miss the second week of summer semester for my honeymoon, do you think that'll be a problem?

Yep, that's our uniform. You'll have med/surg and psych clinicals over the summer. You'll want to talk to the professors as soon as you can about needing to miss a week. I would imagine they'd be willing to work with you, but summer is definitely a trickier semester to miss a week.

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