Questions on the TEAS Test V && Whether or not I even have a shot in Nursing....

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone! I am so confused with my future in Nursing. My first question would be where are the best TEAS study guides for Test V? And exactly how hard is it and what subject are hardest? && do they tak it out your financial aide to pay for it & if not how much??

My second thing I am worrying about is since going to Ivy Tech my mother has been having health issues. She has been having Gan Mal Seziures. It has been overwhellming and getting worse. Well, because of this both times I took English I got a C the first semester and a B the second. Well at Ivy Tech I heard that you pretty much have to get all A's in APHY 101, APHY 102, PSYC 101, and ENGL 111. They won't let me take it another time && I am so worried I am wasting my time. I don't think I will get in because of the B in English. I just don't want to go through all this school and nothing come out of it.

&& if you don't get in what would you do? Switch career paths to something easier that your credits would go for or just try again? Because if you didn't get in the first time I don't see why you would the second. PLEASE HELP DESPERATE!!!!!!!

Specializes in Wound Care / Foot Care / Case Management.

Hello, I know its to personal to ask... but does your program require to pass the teas in every section with 62% after you have taken it once and failed? You see i took it today and didn't pass. I studied like if there was no tomorrow. I went in there confident thinking i had covered and understood everything they had on the practice book but i guess it wasn't good enough. In my experience there was many questions in the science section that wasn't covered on their practice book. Did you pass it the second time around?? Has anyone passed it the second time around? Do you have any books that you recomend? Or how did you study to pass it?


The program I applied to only requires an Individual Score of at least 58.7%; and they could care less how many times you've taken it, the requirement is still the same. I scored above requirements both times. I only took it the second time because I didn't study at all the first time ( I didn't know anyone who had taken it so didn't have any advice, 2) my money is tight right now and I couldn't afford to go buying study guides). However, a coworker of mine came to me and told me that she had the study guide and was nice enough to let me borrow hers. The study guide did help alot, it's the one from the website. Honestly, I know I would have done better if I would have studied in advance. I haven't had to deal with that kind of material in years and took the test the second time only two weeks after the first, didn't get the study guide until a week before.

Woow 58.7% i should move over there. what state is this?

hi everyone! i am so confused with my future in nursing. my first question would be where are the best teas study guides for test v? and exactly how hard is it and what subject are hardest? && do they tak it out your financial aide to pay for it & if not how much??

to study for the teas, i would recommend getting the ati study guide and practice test; and getting a kaplan nursing school entrance exam guide or mcgraw hill guide ($20). the ati guide sucks with the science portion, but he kaplan guide helps out with that. also, the teas study guide has the questions worded similar to the actual test. i had questions that were in the same format but the numbers were different. also, the math portion gets a lot of people stumped. something that i realized is that you can figure out the right answer by eliminating the wrong answers. i got over 90% on that section and finished with a lot of time left for that section. the kaplan study guide refreshed my memory with the little math tricks that i learned years ago in high school. also, financial aid does not cover the teas test. i would suggest that you save up enough money to get the study materials and take the test. the last thing you would want to do is to take the test and not do well, then have to come up with another $50 to take the test.

my second thing i am worrying about is since going to ivy tech my mother has been having health issues. she has been having gan mal seziures. it has been overwhellming and getting worse. well, because of this both times i took english i got a c the first semester and a b the second. well at ivy tech i heard that you pretty much have to get all a's in aphy 101, aphy 102, psyc 101, and engl 111. they won't let me take it another time && i am so worried i am wasting my time. i don't think i will get in because of the b in english. i just don't want to go through all this school and nothing come out of it.

one b will not hurt. you never know what may happen especially if you are being ranked amongst other applicants. there may be someone that also applied and got two b's. move on and do well in the remaining classes you have to take. also, do very well on the teas. what you put in is what you'll get out. don't approach this like you are already defeated!! you never know. i've applied to my nursing program 3 times never got an invitation to interview, but got one the fourth time. still waiting to see if i got in or not.

&& if you don't get in what would you do? switch career paths to something easier that your credits would go for or just try again? because if you didn't get in the first time i don't see why you would the second. please help desperate!!!!!!!

don't give up!!!!!! don't put your eggs in one basket!!! again, i think it all depends on your competition during that application period. have you considered applying to other schools? i'm assuming your in in (i got my bs from iu), try applying to indiana state and indiana university or any other universities in indiana. good luck, and believe in yourself that you can do this. your not defeated. tough times make tough people!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Wound Care / Foot Care / Case Management.
Woow 58.7% i should move over there. what state is this?

I'm in Mississippi right now. The school has only been using it as a requirement for the past year so I'm guessing that's why the requirement is low for the moment; ya know, at least until they see how applicants are scoring on average.

God I wish I lived over there right now. I live in california. My second option I guess would be just go for the Bachelors in Life Science and then transfer for the Masters in Nursing. Something has to work! Thanks for the advice.;)

@January03, are you able to get a masters in nursing without a BSN?

@January03, are you able to get a masters in nursing without a BSN?

No your not. You would need a BSN first. i think it goes AA, BSN, MSN, DR.

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