questions long sorry

Specialties Psychiatric


im not sure if im allowed to post like tis so remove it if not......

i am a rn child, but have been off sick for most the last 18mths. i have been taking antidepressants for 2ish years. have tried a few different ones. effexor lasted the longest and helped keep my moods stable for longer. i was admitted to a psychiatric facility in juky this year. they stopped all my meds (anti migraine and anti allergy meds too) as soon as i got admitted. after 3 days of not recieving them i was with it enuff to demand to know y. basically the nurses were not happy to give the effexor at the dose i was on. i decided since i was feeling so much better it clearly hadnt been helping and the psychiatrist accepted this and agreed i could stop it. i didnt experience ny of the negative withdrawal effects i have heard some people do. in fact i felt better than i had done in years.

i didnt stop talking from the minute i woke up to the minute i went to sleep, unusual for me, i had a very high phone bill lol. i also went shopping, and bought a lot of things i didnt need but hey shopping was fun. sleep, i was having 3 or 4 hours a nite. but i was happy and i didnt care so long as i stayed happy. felt great. i was very organised and got lots of things done. this continued after discharge, just as well really i have moved house twice in the past month.

since then i have sunk right back down into the depths of depression. it is a struggle to get out of bed, let alone get dressed or do anything. but when i do manage to make myself stay up for more than an hour i end up running round like mad. i frequently clean, tidy, dust and vacum (so far i have vacumed twice today). i also have been displaying some ocd behaviours (and was while in hspital).

my diagnosis on discharge "u r well, go back to work" . ok i know that me being a nurse causes probles here in the uk. the fact that i have recieved psychiatric care could well have messed my future career up completly. get a label and i will most likely loose my liscence to practice as a nurse (thanks to bev allitt n the clothier enquiry). therefore they chose to overlook a lot of things while i was there and have not arranged ny psychiatric follow up. they did refer me to the psychologists for assessment and suggested cbt mite be more beneficial than the psychotherapy i tried before.

however atm my career is on hold, i have been fired due to the length of time i have been ill, and will now find it very difficult to get another job. i know that atm i am not ready to return to work as an rn. i think this is probably at least 12 months away.

a work colleague, and some friends have suggested that i am bipolar. they worked with me when i was "normal" and when i was in cant sit still must do everything phases. i didnt go in when i was depressed. friends have seen me in all moods. usually when i get active i last for 3 or 4 days, i only sleep for a couple of hours at a time, my house is always spotless and i will go out and do nything. but i get irritable and snappy and do not know how to be quiet. then i chill a bit, i am quiet, i go out because i have to, i get anxious and have panic attacks again. i function but no more.

the psychiatrist was not interested in hearing nything i had to say. all he was concerned with was i was no longer having a crisis, i was not actively suicidal, and i do not have any formal psychiatric illness that they had seen while i was an inpatient. goodbye thank you very much.

so currently i am not on ny meds, am not having ny therapy or counselling. i see my gp again next week. is there meds that he can prescribe to stop my moods from swinging so rapidly? i can be fine one minute n ready to kill myself the next, then fine and busy and organised the next. i nolonger remember what my normal mood is. surely there is something that can help while i wait for therapy, again. nyone got ny sugestions/advice?

and nyone from the uk with a psychiatric diagnosis in the past?

I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar II and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Come to find out, there is another nurse that works with me in the small practice that has the same thing.

Keep your head up and keed advocating for yourself. After all, you are the only person who know you.


well my gp isnt particularly interested in wat i have to say lol. his answer? more antidepressants.......sertraline this time. have tried prozac and lofepramine and effexor in the past. all of which worked for a short time then didnt.effexor the psydoc stopped when i got admitted a few months ago.

so what now? ny sugestions?

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