Questions on CNA application


The Nursing program im looking at requires that you be a CNA beforehand. I am filling out my CNA app and I have two problems:

1) I have lived so many places over the past 10 years. I think 8 places. I do not know the oldest 3 addresses and google did not turn up anything. I suppose I can call the one apartment complex but I doubt they'd be able to go back that far without contacting corporate? Idk. The other was a house. I guessed at the address and can't find it on google. I'm not sure what to do about that.

2) it asks if you've ever been convicted of s crime but doesn't specify what constitutes a crime. Do I need to list every traffic I've ever had? I'm 33 so that's a few and I'm not sure I can even remember them all. How do I get that information? Like I know I got a speeding ticket in Wisconsin when I was in my early 20's but that's as detailed as I can be. Don't even remember the county.

First, list all the addresses you can remember. Nobody, INHO, is going to verify the validity of each and every address for each and every applicant.

Second, I am not a lawyer, nor do I think anyone here can give you a legal advice, so I think in this regard you should contact the school. Otherwise, do not indicate anything. I mean, if you know for the fact you have been convicted, then go ahead and indicate so on the application.

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