Published Jul 4, 2007
332 Posts
Hello, I'm just trying to get organized here, checking all my documents prior to the interview. I'm wondering though, can anyone here recount their personal experiences while at the actual interview? how long did you have to wait, questions asked, pointers etc. .... , just wanna ease my mind a bit.
Thanks for all your replies. Much appreciated.
1,146 Posts
went through first lot of security, which is where the queue is outside asked not to bring liquids in to embassy this includes perfume etc.. woman came to check our passports and appointment letter while we were in the queue,
next went through second lot of security, xrayed shoes and handbag went through metal detector, next stop entering the embassy..
entered embassy got asked to leave camera in cubby hole behind desk, go through doors and take a ticket with number on, sit at one side of embassy, number is called, go to first window, give in paperwork and xrays, go and sit down on otherside of embassy,
number called again, go to different window where fingerprints are taken, sit down again and wait,
get called to different window they look at paperwork, you sign ds230 second part, he asks me where im going, i tell him, job done
took about 2 and half hours in all
hope this sorry tale helps