Questions to ask preceptor?


Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.

So I am going into my 4th wk of orientation and have been gathering questions to ask my preceptor (she told me to complie a list and have her answer them on another shift day). I have my starting questions that are really facility specific, but was curious about what questions you guys are asking your preceptors? Also, for the preceptors looking on here, what kinds of questions do you feel are the most important for new grads to know?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

There's one thing that bothered me about certain preceptors. What I have seen, they are helpful when you are orienting. But when your on your own, if you have questions, some were irritated about being asked questions. I have seen it first hand, that person would in turn ask me. So I would ask when your on my own, which nurses to ask for advice from.

I wonder why she would want to make you wait to ask your questions. That seems counterintuitive to me. At this point in time, I end up asking my preceptor the following type of questions:

1. How to questions that are facility specific (for things I haven't done yet),

2. Nursing judgment questions -- like holding certain meds, or the need to call a dr. I figure that she's still responsible for me & our pts, so she should have final say on these issues.

So far, she has yet to criticize me for asking questions -- no matter how stupid I must look. I am very thankful that I was assigned to someone who is patient & has a good sense of humor.

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