The person was originally dehydrated (hypovolemic) and hypernatremic.
The first day the MD wanted D5 1/2 NS running at 84
.The 2nd day she switched the fluids to 1/2 NS @ 64
3rd day 1/2NS @20
4th day decided to bolus him with a 1L bag of 1/2 NS @999.
Some of those orders I questioned.. I know that I am not a doctor.. but I am just trying to understand the rationale.
Wouldn't a common fluid management of hypovolemic hypernatremia be a 1 L bolus of NS or LR ( an isotonic fluid), then gradual replacement w/ .45 NS to correct the hypernatremia ? (Without rapid shift of electrolytes) ?
Isn't D51/2NS hypertonic? Is that appropriate?
Have you ever heard of/gave a 1L .45 NS bolus @999ml/hr?
In what situations would that be applicable? Wouldn't that cause a rapid shift in electrolytes? Isn't that risky? (Increased risk of cerebral edema, seizures, etc.)
I don't have much experience but have never heard of 1/2 NS being ran at 999.. neither did my supervisor or co-workers.
Trying to understand the rationales/thought processes.