Published Aug 30, 2011
356 Posts
Is there any way to get the TEAS study guide for cheaper than $88? Also I have been studying for the SAT test and I was wondering if that would be sufficient studying material for the TEAS or is it a must that I buy the TEAS study guide?
55 Posts
The study guide is extremely helpful. I think it's just around $55 though. Try amazon or eBay to find a used one.
I can't answer your SAT question cause I took the ACT, sorry.
Good luck!
44 Posts
I got my ATI study guide off Craigslist for 20.00 ..maybe check there too. I think it is 35.00 on ATI's site. HTH
177 Posts
If you register online, the TEAS V is like $110, and with the study guide, it's less than $150. I'll do that this weekend. (I checked Amazon, and other websites, and I didn't find a better deal. Only for older editions.)
What??!! Its $110 just to register to take the test??????????
I took the test for just $35 at Chattanooga State Community College. Then paid about $50 for the official study book and $30 per practice online test through . There are two practice tests in the book but I really suggest taking at least 1 of the 2 practice tests offered online. Call where you are wanting to take the test and ask them how much it is. It should be the same ($35) everywhere. You pay that when you show up to take the test.
444 Posts
With the shipping and handling it comes to $103. I know it's a lot but it has a lot of useful information in there. I can't imagine trying to ace the TEAS without this study guide. I wish they would lower the price to make it more affordable. I'm lucky I even had $100 to buy it
My guess is that if you purchase the book online through the official ATI people, includes the online precise tests. It's a good deal if you plan on taking the online tests. However if money is a factor, purchase the book alone at a local college or online.
I haven't registered yet so I don't know for sure but TWU's webpage says that's $110. (Look at the link I left)