Published Dec 12, 2008
Nurse Lulu
131 Posts
Here's a question guys
When you have a "chem" code how long do you see the effects of atropine. Ok I know in theory if we are not "pumping" it is not going anywhere, but what about in a line where it is already in central circulation? I had someone look at me like I was the dumbest nurse ever, and told me atropine only lasts three minutes. :imbar I have seen chem codes where PEA or agonal rhythms persist for like 40 minutes. The older more experienced nurse told me the atropine is long gone-but, if we are not pumping is it just sitting around longer? I don't know, which is why I am asking. I would love to ask the person that told me, but she was definately not in the mood for questions.....Does anybody out there know???? Thanks CAT
564 Posts
I have no official information, but you know I did a chem code on a lol one day I mean absoultely no compressions, she went apenic and then bradycardic, PEA. Pushed Atropine and Epi, some Bicarb...Cannot even remember how many rounds we did. Not a long code 20 min maybe. She had electrical activity on the monitor for almost 2 hours. Not a "rythym" the whole time, we got down to bleeps and blurbs, but was not flat line for all that time. Of course then I have done chem codes and they are completely flat within minutes of calling the code...