
Nurses General Nursing


I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum.

I am taking my prerequisites for ADN. On the application for the nursing program it asks if I have ever been treated or hospitalized for schizophrenia, bipolar, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder.

I have not been diagnosed with any of this, but I am taking a low dose of Zoloft at the moment and have been off and on since I was 14. I am 25 now.

Do I have to disclose this information on my application?

Also, would if hurt my chances of getting into school?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you for all of your replies, they are very reassuring.

I recently had my 3rd baby, in October. I have a history of post-partum depression. Nothing serious but I was always prescribed some sort of antidepressant a few weeks after the birth of my child. I stayed on it for several months and then had the doctor "wean" me off of them. That is currently my situation.

I do understand why I would be asked about my mental history though.

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