Question about student loans....

Nursing Students General Students


I just have a question about taking out student loans. I'll be starting my 3rd semester of the ADN program this fall. I already have a stafford loan and I'm not working so I borrowed a little extra last semester to help pay for my gas and any other unexpected expenses. I'm married and we are living off of my husband's income only so money is a little tight and he can't afford to pay for my gas too, so I need extra loan money to pay for that. Well, my account is beginning to run a little low and I'm taking summer classes right now. I won't get a check from left over loan money until probably october for fall semester. My question is can I take out more loans if I already have one? I hate too, but if I need the money, I need the money. I would work if I could but I'm also a mom and it's just hard to work and go to school and still have family time. Also, which loans are the best and have the lowest interest rates? I would appreciate any replies. Thanks!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

Di you get the max in staffords? If not, go to financial aid and ask for more.

Otherwise there are private student loans.

Yes, last semester I did take out the max amount that I was elgible for which wasn't a whole lot, most of it did go on school only. That's why I didn't have much left. I know my last two semesters i will be elgible for more though because I will be going full-time.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

Well, I haven't had a problem with Sallie Mae or Bank of America private loans.

Thanks for your reply. I'll check those out :)

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