Question for nurses with school-aged kids (high schoolers)...


While in school, did your children ever feel bad about themselves because they felt they could not perform up to the same standards that you practiced?

For example; I am a perfectionist and would never be able to turn in anything that was sub-par according to my own standards.

I graduate the same year my oldest girl graduates (2012). I think it's bothering her (she says it does not). She does okay in school, but of course, I would like her to put forth more effort because I see how she falls short of her own expectations, but she thinks I want her to be like me and that's never been the case.

I get really pumped up about my schooling and I'm thinking that maybe my kids could be mistaking my own personal achievements as something they must do for themselves for me to completely accept them.

I have a 7 and a 4 year old also. My 7 year old has that perfectionist trait like I do and worry that she may take it her perfectionism to extremes.

I'm working with two kids who are polar opposites and not really sure how to be sensitive to both of their needs. My oldest is my main concern right now. So if you could offer up some helpful suggestions; geez-oh-petes, that would be shiznit.


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

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