Question about your first job as an RN

Nurses General Nursing


I have been wondering about this, is it really true that most first job RNs will have to work nights? I would like a steady work schedule like a classic 8-5 or 9-5 job, but I am curious about the likelihood of that happening.

Where is this nice 9-5 job you refer to? Want one of those!

Seriously, unless you are a Masters or higher prepared nurse and want a hospital job, you will work weekends, at least some holidays and most likely nights for 1-2 years. That's the lay of the land, EVERYBODY else wants what you want, and seniority rules. You should have researched this or been told it when you first thought about this profession.

Whoa......I was just asking a question. I am currently an esthetician so I don't mind working weekends at all. Heck, even when I was in the military I have worked nights and weekends, I was just seeing how common it is to work that "regular" schedule. I am on the path to become a nurse and this is my last semester to decide if nursing or dietetics is right for me, because after this semester the nursing students/dietetic students split up and start doing degree specific courses. Thank you for your insight.

Thank you everybody for your responses! :)

I think it depends on the area, too. Where I went to school, people are either hired for days or nights, which is what I thought is normal. Then we moved and where I am now, rotating is the norm. Unless you were hired over 5 yrs ago when they still hired for one or the other exclusively, everyone does both.

I know in my job most of us rotate between nights and days. However if anyone particularly wanted just days or nights, they either said it in interview and agreed upon it as terms of their contract or negotiated it with their line manager.

Try community based jobs like schools or working with community based agencies maybe even clinics or out patient facilities thats my only thought as to a 8/9-4/5 schedule you seem to be looking of luck let us know if you find anything :)

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