Question-Can someone help pls?


Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and I am very glad to have found it.

I have a few questions related to the nursing job in USA.

First of all I graduated nursing school in 2005 and I have obtained a diploma that I belive is called in USA a Bachelor`s degree.

Do to the fact that I had a job that required me to travel around the world a lot in the last 5 years i haven`t been able to work as a nurse.

My priorities have changed in the last year and I would like to know what are the necessary steps to be taken towards a job as a nurse in USA.?

I want to mention that I am from Romania and I have graduated the school in Romania.

At this moment I am working in the ER in one of the hospitals in my town.

All I know so far from what i heard is that I have to take an exam called NCLEX, but beiond that I have no other info.

Can someone please help me ?

Thank you in advance.

What state are you interested in?

Each state Board of Nursing has their own website. Go to that website and contact that BON.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum

Currently the US is affected by retrogression and will at the moment take several years to get a immigrant visa allowing you to work and live in the US. Starting point would be meeting state requirements and passing NCLEX then find a employer wiling to assist you with a visa which at the moment may be hard as many US nurses are struggling to find work

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