Question about Army Reserve

Specialties Government


Hello All.This is my first independent post so bare with me. I am thinking about joining Army Reserve but I am not certain what the benefits would be. I already have a BS and MS and I was be starting an ABSN program in the Fall. I am interested in joining the Army Nurse Corps Reserve after I complete nursing school but I am just wondering if there are any benefits for signing up for Army Reserve while I am in school. My husband is in the Army and he did the Army scholarship as a medical student but they dont have such a program for nursing students (I wish they did). I read somewhere that if you sign up for Army Reserve that you will be able to finish school before being called to active duty. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this or can offer any helpful advice or insight.Thanks

Yes, there are several good programs to get you into Army Nursing (as well as the other branches) and help with the finances of school. Each program has its ups and downs though, so be sure you research them all and make the choice that best serves your individual situation.

For instance... I have been considering the Nurse Candidate program, but by the time I am eligible, I will already have a good chunk of student loans. If I go that route, I will not be able to use the Loan Repayment Program. On the other hand, If I continue to borrow enough money for school and related living expenses, I will have to pay the 30% that the Army deducts for taxes... So now I must decide if that 30% is going to be as much or more than the amount of loans I currently have (assuming that under the NCP I would not need to take out additional loans). Either way, I will end up paying some portion of my student loans, but hopefully I will be making enough as an Officer that it will not be that big of a deal.

Think it through. Look at all your options, and make the best choice for you ;)

Good Luck,


.... it really does depend on student loan amounts and how much you personally gain of knowing you are 'in'. I think for me the ANCP would be the route I'd go because the non-subsidized loans creep up their interest and by the time they are paid off I really wouldn't gain much :)

Like you said, there is a certain amount of comfort to be gained from knowing you have a slot two years in advance...

The verdict is still out for me, I have another year before I need to make that decision.

Look into the Air Force ROTC's nursing program too. I dont know very much about it, but I talked to a recruiter about it, and it sounded decent. I wasnt considering it before, but now it is on the table.

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