Queens Accelerated BSN Students


Any students in the Accelerated BSN at Queens want to share their experiences thus far? I know this is the first semester they've offered the accelerated program. I'm probably going to apply to that program next year so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Specializes in ED!!.

I am not in the Accelerated BSN, but I am in the BSN program. It has not yet begun as far as I know. But I have had several of the instructors that will be teaching in that program and they are absolutely wonderful. I have always felt that I could talk to my instructors and ask them for help in problem areas. They are more than willing to schedule office appointments to talk about ways to help you succeed. Every program has negative aspects, but overall I am very glad that I chose Queens. It really is a great community, and the neighborhood is beautiful! (If that matters...) Sorry I can't be of more help, but I hope this tells you a little.


This is the first year Queens is having the Accelerated program. I've been accepted and will begin in May. I did speak with one student who is currently in the BSN program and they told me to "be prepared for an intensive program...don't play around". I definitely know the program will be intense with a lot of course work and clinicals....but hopefully I will get through it.

Good luck when you apply!


Hi QuietMesha,

I have applied to the Accelerated BSN program at Queens. After speaking with the admission's counselor the other day I believe I have a great chance of getting accepted even at this late date but what I am concerned about is the costs. I have calculated a little over $40 grand once it's all said and done. I was wondering if you could provide any insight for your plans to pay for the program or any scholarships or loan programs besides the federal stafford loan that you may be aware of?

Thank you for your help and congratulations on your acceptance :)

hi gdubb82

i've been calculating the costs even before i got accepted. it is a lot, but i am taking in to consideration its a 2yr program condensed into 13months. the total cost is about 35k, but if you add on living expenses..etc (depending on your situation), it can get up to 40 or more. they actually had an interview at the beginning of march for students to obtain a harris nursing scholar scholarship, which was 10k towards tuition. i was lucky enough to recieve the scholarship so thats going to help me somewhat. as for the rest of tuition i've been looking at other scholarships or grants and of course my last resort is to use whats left of my federal stafford loan. if you are accepted, you can automatically apply for the nc legislative tuition grant which i think is about 1,500, you can also apply for it online at www.cfnc.org . i went to a financial aid meeting last week; besides the ncltg, any of the other grants or scholarships discussed would be based on a completed fasfa and need based aid. the school also has a list of private lenders which they prefer, if you choose to go with that option. i hope this helped a little. if you want any more details, i would be more than happy to share any info with you!

good luck and i hope you hear some good news soon!

Hey QuietMesha,

Yeah it's a high penny to pay that's for sure. I meant to type a little over $30k not $40k my hands must have been slippery but thanks for clearing that up for me. Wow that is great you were offered a scholarship for 10k. I wish I would have known about this program eary on so I could have applied sooner and been on the ball like you:wink2:. But hopefully I will be successful in finding other sources of aid that is if I even get in, but I am confident I will. If not then there's always next year right (and then I can really pick your brain for info lol). I really appreciate your reply and all the info you provided. I will be sure to keep you posted on what comes about. Good luck with everything and I hope to meet you one day if I am a selected candidate to start along with you.

By the way may I ask a little bit about you? I noticed we are both 26 so we have that in common. My previous degree was in Biology. I have 2 children ages 4 and 1 month and I am married. We live in the University area of Charlotte. What about you? Feel like sharing??


Hey gdubb

As soon as I saw that Queens would be offering an accelerated program I started the paperwork. I I also applied to their traditional bsn program as a 2nd degree student as a backup. I actually got accepted to Hayworth college at Queens, but then got the letter for the accelearated program. I really hope things work out and you do get accepted into the program. I know the program director stated that they expect to accept 32 students total. And as of early March when I went to interview they didnt have that many.

My previous degree was in Biology too! After college I went to podiatric med school for 2 years and decided it wasnt for me and starting looking into nursing; moved down to Concord from NY and I enrolled at UNCCharlotte as a pre nursing major, however they accept so few students each semester so I starting looking at other schools and saw the accelerated program at Queens. My plans are to eventually become an NP or DNP. But I'm trying to take it one step at a time. No children yet for me, however I am getting married in August....4 days before my last final for the summer semester! Im going to drive myself crazy around that time...but I'm looking forward to it!

The staff for the accelerated program seems to work fast at replying to students, so hopefully you'll get some good news soon and you'll be starting class with me in weeks to come!

Keep in Touch!

Well your proactiveness sure has paid off. I have been researching Queens website as well as spoken to a finaid counselor at the univesity and things are looking up for me as far as finding funding. I'll keep you posted on everything. It's good to know from your experience that the staff is pretty proactive in getting back to students so hopefully I will have the same experience and know something very soon.

Wow, we have so much in common. The next thing your going to say is that we have the same astrology sign (lol). We moved here from Maryland 2 years ago. Your right UNCC is extremely competitive to get into and it's also 2 years in length with no option to take summer courses to speed up the program so thank goodness for Queens despite the high price tag :crying2: but at least we will be done before we know it, just in and out, short and sweet (well maybe not the sweet part, I should say short and intense lol).

I have plans to be an NP also. Either Peds or OB and then I want to go on to get my DNP also so I can teach. Or I have even thought about some sort of Hospital administration. I love it b/c there are just so many options for nurses that's why I am so anxious to begin a program. I sometimes wish I would have figured all this out at the age of 18 (lol). So I'm very thankful for programs for 2nd degree students, they are a life saver :redbeathe.

Now lets talk about this marriage, girl congratulations!!!! It will be hectic im sure with school but I believe there will be a 3-4 wek break before the fall term begins so you can just woo-saw and take a nice, much needed and deserved honeymoon vacation. You will be on cloud nine :redbeathe

One last question if you don't mind, are you familiar w/any hospitals in the area that offer student loan repayment plans as part of your benefits package? Just in case I have to end up taking out quite a bit in loan funds I was just wondering if any hosppitals helped pay them back?

Thanks for these chats, I so very much enjoy them:wink2:

Well your proactiveness sure has paid off. I have been researching Queens website as well as spoken to a finaid counselor at the univesity and things are looking up for me as far as finding funding. I'll keep you posted on everything. It's good to know from your experience that the staff is pretty proactive in getting back to students so hopefully I will have the same experience and know something very soon.

Wow, we have so much in common. The next thing your going to say is that we have the same astrology sign (lol). We moved here from Maryland 2 years ago. Your right UNCC is extremely competitive to get into and it's also 2 years in length with no option to take summer courses to speed up the program so thank goodness for Queens despite the high price tag :crying2: but at least we will be done before we know it, just in and out, short and sweet (well maybe not the sweet part, I should say short and intense lol).

I have plans to be an NP also. Either Peds or OB and then I want to go on to get my DNP also so I can teach. Or I have even thought about some sort of Hospital administration. I love it b/c there are just so many options for nurses that's why I am so anxious to begin a program. I sometimes wish I would have figured all this out at the age of 18 (lol). So I'm very thankful for programs for 2nd degree students, they are a life saver :redbeathe.

Now lets talk about this marriage, girl congratulations!!!! It will be hectic im sure with school but I believe there will be a 3-4 wek break before the fall term begins so you can just woo-saw and take a nice, much needed and deserved honeymoon vacation. You will be on cloud nine :redbeathe

One last question if you don't mind, are you familiar w/any hospitals in the area that offer student loan repayment plans as part of your benefits package? Just in case I have to end up taking out quite a bit in loan funds I was just wondering if any hosppitals helped pay them back?

Thanks for these chats, I so very much enjoy themCopy%20of%20wink.gif

Hey gdubb

Yes it does seem like we have a lot in common! I feel the same as you about figuring all this out when I was 18, but back then I was only dreaming of med school! But I really think I'm going to love nursing!

There is a break before the fall term starts, that will give me some time to rest and get settled and then get ready for the new semester!! Looking forward to it!

I'm not too familiar with hospitals that offer student loan repayment, but I'm sure CMC-Main or Northeast should offer something to students since they're teaching hospitals.

Talk to you soon!


Hey Kemesha,

I'm still waiting on a decision from Queens. I spoke to them today and they finally received my last transcript to be evaluated. I was wondering has the financial aid office finalized your award yet. I know you are getting the $10k scholarship but just wondering what the finaid office can offer.

Hope all is well,


Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

From what I read on their website the other night they are still accepting applications for this year's class. I think up until the 12th so when exactly does the program start?

Hey gdubb,

Any news yet from Admissions?? As for finaid, my scholarship is all I'm getting. My stafford loans were maxed out during my 2 years of medical school and since I am now an undergrad student again my federal loan limits have been reduced. I'll be paying the rest of tution out of pocket and continuing to apply for various scholarships and grants for the 2009-10 semester.


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