Published Mar 18, 2013
128 Posts
Have a question and need some advice. I have a friend that is working in a psychiatric facility. She has been complaining to me about her facility's DON and other mgmt. staff. She states that the facility is so dirty, residents sitting in dirty briefs for several hrs,floors filthy c/ urine, roaches in her med cart, nurses yelling at residents. The cleaning supplies are locked up and she can't clean up a mess when it happens. She wants to say something but is afraid that her job will be in jeopardy.
I suggested that she document what she see's and contact her State agency responsible for nursing homes. Can she do that discreetly/ anonymously..? Pls advise. Thanks!!
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
Many people exagerate when they speak about their facilities. That said, if it truely is that bad, she should call the department of public health and anonymously report what she sees.
indiechic, LPN
29 Posts
I don't know about all states, but I'd sure hope it's the same as mine... In Washington, all healthcare workers are mandatory reporters for abuse, neglect, etc. and these issues can be called in anonymously to the state department of health. I would recommend your friend documents that she has alerted management about these issues and no changes have been seen, and then she should report it before state comes in and cleans shop. Ultimately, it's her license that is in jeopardy while allowing those kind of things to go on, even if the management should be taking responsibility. Good luck!