Puuting a care plan together


Hi, everyone student EN here. I am working on a couple of care plans and finally need to ask for help on diferent ideas of how to word it and put it together.

I need to give two goals, two interventions and one evaluation?

There are Dressing and grooming self care deficit

Toileting self care deficit

Impaired skin Integrity related to diminished blood supply

Any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated, the part I have the most trouble with is writing the evaluations???????


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

You should be able to find the information you need at this website. There are about 49 different care plans you can link into here. Impaired skin integrity is one of them and there are also a couple on alteration in bowel elimination you might want to check out. Each care plan will have a nursing diagnosis, outcome statements and nursing interventions. I think you will find the information here helpful.


the evaluation should be the easy part ..all you have to do is determine if the clt met the goal or not and by what evidence

You should be able to find the information you need at this website. There are about 49 different care plans you can link into here. Impaired skin integrity is one of them and there are also a couple on alteration in bowel elimination you might want to check out. Each care plan will have a nursing diagnosis, outcome statements and nursing interventions. I think you will find the information here helpful.


Hey Daytonite,

I checked out the website and saw something that confused me with regard to the diagnosis of impaired skin integrity. One of the interventions listed was to massage bony prominences with lotion every so often. My nursing instructor specifically told us to never do that as it makes the condition worse. Has this been your experience? Do you use this intervention?

P.S. Sorry to hijack thread, but I wanted the question to be pertinent to this website/reply. Basically just wondering if the interventions might be out of date (or maybe it's just that my instructor is out of date :chuckle)


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I think that perhaps she was referring to a patient who already had some redness over a bony prominence. You want to be very careful with their skin although I would like to know her rationale. In nursing homes we often used some lotion to massage reddened bony prominences, but not that aggressively. As for just plain old bony prominences that show no evidence of redness or skin breakdown, I can't think of why you wouldn't want to give some attention to these areas.

I think that perhaps she was referring to a patient who already had some redness over a bony prominence. You want to be very careful with their skin although I would like to know her rationale. In nursing homes we often used some lotion to massage reddened bony prominences, but not that aggressively. As for just plain old bony prominences that show no evidence of redness or skin breakdown, I can't think of why you wouldn't want to give some attention to these areas.

Yes, she was referring to a patient with redness over a bony prominence. She said that it was an intervention that used to be widely used until they (dunno who "they" are) discovered that it does more damage than good. I would have instinctively thought that you could increase circulation to the area by lightly massaging it, but according to my instructor, that's not the case. I do wonder why though. I will make a point to ask her about that this week.


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