Psychiatric Diagnosis found on background check


Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/Ortho/Psych.

I'm a RN for 8yrs, went through the nurses probation for monitoring of substance abuse yrs. ago, have been sober going on 5 yrs and have been diagnosed with a mental disorder...Borderline Personality Disorder. I am stable on my meds, see a psychiatrist monthly and work full time. I want to go for my BSN, but I hear now there is a background check. Does anyone know if a personality disorder would keep me from getting my BSN via the new background checks? I don't want to go through that extra schooling and then to find that I cannot nurse.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I wouldn't think so right off the top of my head, but perhaps checking with your BON would put your mind at ease. Good luck.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I'm a RN for 8yrs, went through the nurses probation for monitoring of substance abuse yrs. ago, have been sober going on 5 yrs and have been diagnosed with a mental disorder...Borderline Personality Disorder. I am stable on my meds, see a psychiatrist monthly and work full time. I want to go for my BSN, but I hear now there is a background check. Does anyone know if a personality disorder would keep me from getting my BSN via the new background checks? I don't want to go through that extra schooling and then to find that I cannot nurse.

Hello, Shell5,:Melody:

Normally, psychiatric history is privileged information. However, the nursing program might require a background check revealing the substance abuse. Drugs that you currently take to keep your problem in check might need to be revealed. In any case, I see no reason for you to NOT be able to pursue and obtain your degree.

I admire you in your efforts and wish you good luck.

I'm a RN for 8yrs, went through the nurses probation for monitoring of substance abuse yrs. ago, have been sober going on 5 yrs and have been diagnosed with a mental disorder...Borderline Personality Disorder. I am stable on my meds, see a psychiatrist monthly and work full time. I want to go for my BSN, but I hear now there is a background check. Does anyone know if a personality disorder would keep me from getting my BSN via the new background checks? I don't want to go through that extra schooling and then to find that I cannot nurse.

Do they check your medical hx for diagnosis's? I would call the people that do the testing and ask this. You do not have to give your name. If they check the meds you are on , the meds are probably given for many different conditions. I know there are docs out there that are bipolar and they were not stopped in medical school.

I have concurred a simular incident and have been told by counsel that Nurse's have no confidentiality....even substance abuse/mental because our information....especially when probation is involved is public information......check with your board annonomously.......good luck

Specializes in Hospice, Med Surg, Long Term.

Some BON do not ask about mental health conditions. And you are talking about two different conditions here: 1) substance abuse 2) borderline personality disorder

My questions to you would be:

Was your nursing practice affected by the substance abuse?

Was your nursing practice affected by the Borderline Personality Disorder?

If you answered yes to both questions, and your BON asks questions re same, you have to answer them, and may need to show proof that you are clean of substances and stable on medications and see your care provider regularly for f/u care. What they are usually looking at, is not that you have problems, but that you are stable. If you have a recent hospitalization for either of these conditions, this could cause some difficulty - they may required you to show you are mentally/emotionally stable for a period of time prior to issuing a license.

Some BON's simply ask if you have any physical or mental conditions that would affect your ability to provide competent care. (This can be a question that reflects your opinion) If you are stable on meds for the personality disorder and have been stable for an extended period of time, you may feel comfortable in saying 'no, I don't have mental conditions that affect my abilities.' But if you have a documented substance abuse issue from the past and were on probation for the same, I would disclose that and state how long you have been clean/dry, and the actions that you take on a daily basis to stay that way, and take care of yourself. But, if you are truly stable, the presence of these issues alone would not prevent you from getting a license. But always be truthful in disclosing facts, including if you feel your conditions affect your ability to provide competent care.

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