Published Nov 21, 2015
332 Posts
So im currently a med/surg and psych nurse. I was strongly considering going to school for my Psych NP after i finish my Masters degree. The problem is im noticing the need for psych NPs doesn't seem to be that great in Florida for them. Im going to be a mom at some point in the next few years and Im starting to get the feeling I should go for Family NP so that my job prospects will be better. I have been getting emails from some agencies saying my med surg experience would be valuable for the FNP setting and i should also consider some ER experience. I would really appreciate any guidance or input anyone is willing to give me.
135 Posts
I have heard that getting your masters in FNP is a better idea, only because with your FNP you can go any way you want with it. If you decide you want to psych later on, then get your certification in that. But having your FNP would make your job search a lot easier! You wouldn't be stuck in only one speciality.
That's what I was starting to think. Im glad we have this site so we can get a second opinion on things like this. I had serious reservations about getting the psych NP and not the family NP.